Saturday, February 25, 2012


For about 50 years now, this country has been treating Negroes/blacks/African-Americans to every freebie imaginable. Housing, food, college degrees invented to give them college degrees, jobs for which they aren't qualified, promotions they don't deserve - even a mulatto in the White House. Whenever one falls flat, however, the excuse is always the same. "They're out to get me because I'm a Negro/black/AA."

So it is with mulatto Holder and the disastrous, murderous Operation Fast and Furious." To the storm of criticism and inquiry, mulatto Eric says it's because he's an AA and his boss is, too.

What a useless racist he is. From pardoning heinous criminals during Klintoon's time to criminal negligence in the murder of Mexicans and an American agent in his inept management of a stupid idea.

Here's another conspicuous candidate for impeachment.

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