Thursday, December 6, 2012


Actually, I didn't require a panel of experts to tell me that NASA had become extinct; the only interesting announcements from there pertain to projects prior to B.O.'s reign. NASA's products are primarily museum pieces now, and the Agency was far more vital 45 years ago than it is today.

For a head it has an Affirmative Action hire with zero capability for directing a scientific agency, and he reports to another Affirmative Action hire whose only capability is organizing neighborhoods. B.O.'s budget priorities are meals for kids with mothers too stupid, lazy, or negligent to know how to prepare food, free cell phones for the same crowd, and trillion-dollar kickback throw-aways on GREEN energy companies with failure emblazoned on them from day 1.

NASA, once upon a time, provided a stimulus to technical education, to industrial employment, and to product development, all of which means more jobs, employment, and more motivation to American children for the advancement of the U.S. and for all mankind.

NASA, once a proud, exciting, productive, promising organization that brought Americans together behind meaningful projects, is disintegrating into another Federal Debacle like the P.O., Education, Housing, and all the other wretched WELFARE PITS.


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