Saturday, December 15, 2012


Twenty poor children are victims of senseless murder, and the nation comes to a grief-stricken stop, as it should.

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF UNBORN CHILDREN are victims of senseless murder every year here, and the nation says "so what?", because the majority of nine people once ruled that the senseless murder of the unborn is legal, that the Constitution permits it.

Is it so much worse to murder a five-year-old than a child within a couple of months or weeks or days of birth and a certain, normal life?

The Neighborhood Organizer weeps over the twenty, as well he should, but had he tears when he voted AGAINST bringing life-saving rescue to children that had survived the senseless attempted murder of abortion? No.

Perhaps if this country returned to the respect of unborn life, it would stop being visited by the relatively small tragedies like yesterday's.

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