Monday, August 27, 2012


People with Internet connections are bombarded with emails from friends, and many of these are humorous lampoons of B.O. and this disastrous BADministration. Not intending to be amusing, the White House website is also particularly lauhable. It has some blarney about the most transparent adminstration in the history of the solar system or some such.

Transparent? Ho ho ho. B.O. and Holder, two Mulattoes, both alike in (lack of) dignity AND BOMBAST , have been caught with their panties down as obviously as some of their African kin in amorous adventures with local chimpanzees. EVERY SCRAP OF EVIDENCE not hidden now behind opaque, hardly transparent Executive Privilege, and Dept of "Justice's" finagling and ignoring a Contempt Citation, points to the complicity of B.O. the N.O. in the plot to ship weapons to the muderous, Mexican drug czars. Was that a gutter-level plan to abet the anti-gun rabble or what? Transparent, my ass.

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