Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Some time ago a legislating judge in Montana decided that its state constitution guaranteed a person the right to a physician - assisted death. ("Physician-assisted suicide" is a STUPID, ILLITERATE contradiction in terms, just as STUPID and ILLITERATE as "same-sex marriage.) The bi-annual legislature there happened not to be in session, and, whereas a governor with any respect for life would have called a special session to pass a sensible law, Montana lacked that, too. Therefore, sane people in the state laid their hopes in their Supreme Court.

The sane people were not rewarded with sanity, for that court decided there is nothing in their constitution to prevent felo-de-se with "expert" help!

Closer examination would probably reveal with equal clarity that the document likewise does not prohibit the state's exterminating all its wildlife or cutting down all its trees. If the legislature doesn't act in its next session, I suppose it's a matter of time until one or another court discovers the breakthrough interpretation that physicians there are REQUIRED to murder requesting patients. From there, it's a short hop to eliminating the "requesting" stipulation.

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