Friday, January 22, 2010


I believe a person would need be a block of granite not to be heartbroken over the plight of Haiti. Complementing the disaster is the preliminary wretchedness of the country. For as long as anyone alive can remember, Haiti has been plagued by excuses for leadership varying between stupidly incompetent and viciously brutal. Ignorance, voodoo, and poverty are pandemic, and the preferred medium of construction must be pasteboard.
OF COURSE, we should send personnel, money, and materiel, the local application of which, with memories of Katrina, should be closely monitored and accounted. (Hopefully Haitians are more honorable than Louisianians.) OF COURSE, we should.
On the other hand, our aid should be administered THERE, NOT HERE. We don't need plane loads of refugees, especially if they are totally dependent and incapable of constructive, remunerative work, streaming into our country. Who has the authority to permit that? Who is screening the criminals and undesirables from the pool.
Let's HELP them to build housing and other facilities on THEIR ground. Anyone admitted here TEMPORARILY will vanish and be our liability FOREVER, as will his or her never-ending train of dependents. Look at our own welfare catastrophe, worsening by the hour. Help Haiti IN Haiti.
Our resources are NOT infinite. We cannot do for THE WORLD, particularly not on our own soil.

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