Friday, January 1, 2010


From the news reports, never awfully detailed when the BADministration looks BADly, as often occurs, the way I understand it is this.

1. A guy walks into the U.S. Embassy of his country and says, "I think my son is a dangerous wacko, probably now with terrorist training under his belt, and you should beware of him."

2. They put his name on a list all right, but somehow it's not the MOST dangerous list, and he is still able to use his visa to get on an airplane into our country! As he gets on the plane no one bothers to check the list that features him!

3. Whereas I can't get a large tube of toothpaste or deodorant bottle on a plane, the wacko walks on with a load of explosives!

Question: Why doesn't the senate take a break from destroying the best medical care system in the world at least long enough to inquire into how 2 and 3 above occurred during this period of "heightened security" I see broadsided at airports?

4. Told of the foiled terrorist attack, B.O. says he will think about it and runs off to play tennis! His decisions always take days to deliver, because a Neighborhood Organizer and a "present" voter naturally doesn't know beans about anything and must wait for the council of puppeteer czars to pull his strings. (My dear mother would say, "doesn't know shit from apple-butter." Thanks again, American (anti-American?) voters.)

5. TSA responds with more draconian - still random, of course, because it's a felony here to suppose one kind of person more likely to suffer some sort of defect than another - security measures.

Question: Why don't we stop playing let's pretend? Muslim terrorists, and there are millions of them, come from, or are descendants of people from, countries with large, Muslim populations ; they LOOK LIKE Arabs; they speak Arabic. Unlike our Monopoly money supply, our security resources are limited. Why don't we apply them to the people/areas of greatest risk? So what if they're offended and lose self-esteem? Let's be secure; let's be strong - two qualities we've lost.

Question: How on Earth can such an all-points loser as B.O. be living in the White House? I can see him as a doorman, maybe a chauffeur there, but that's about it.

Happy New Year and prayers and best wishes for surviving this electoral catastrophe.

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