Monday, January 18, 2010


WOW! B.O., who's even going to CHURCH, of all places, these days and very PUBLICLY, Katholic Kerry, and Katholic Kennedy's widow are all campaigning in Mass, the state, that is, not the service that Katholic Kerry, Katholic Pelosi, and Katholic Biden prize so highly.

Talk about heavy artillery! Is this senate seat important to B.O., his BADministration, and the hometown, Harvard puppeteers, or what?

Well, there's a great deal at stake: murdering unborn babies is a high priority, as are freebie health care for millions of slugs that have never tried to work and millions of illegal aliens that do, but cheat flagrantly on withholding exemptions and unemployment. Don't forget, too, the demolition of Medicare and generally good medical care for seniors and anyone that ever WORKED to EARN same for himself and family.

Remember your good leadership in colonial times, Massachusetts. Stand up for America, and another B.O. rubber stamp in the senate AIN'T America!

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