Sunday, January 17, 2010


isn't it, that an apparent Conservative is running strongly in Massachusetts, long renown for electing whatever lunatic liberal the Demo's dredge up?

This is a BAD sign for the BADministration, and B.O. is even making a trip there to read some Teleprompter messages!

The third party candidate is named Kennedy, and some people say this will hurt the Republicans, but isn't it reflexive there for Democrats to rally indiscriminately and sight unseen around the royal name?
Another concern for the Republicans, though, is Democrat election cheating. They are famous for that - years and years in Illinois, also Texas for JFK in 1960, tried it with the voting machine fantasy in Florida, ballot oddities elected a Minnesota comedian to the senate, on and on. A liberal will do anything to gain the objectives he feels pre-ordained to achieve, so watch out!
Come on Massachusetts, make me a liar and elect to the senate - for a change - someone with sense.

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