Friday, January 29, 2010


Now that the Leninist approach to medical planning has stalled - not that they've surrendered; be alert for House/Senate sneak attacks - liberals are notorious cheaters - other suggestions are surfacing. They prove that Congress has no patent on ill-advised schemes.
I saw some proposals that he considered key from an M.D. One was the limitation of malpractice suit amounts. This was necessary, he said, because it drives physicians out of practice, and if many more patients are to enter the system, we need more of them, not fewer. A couple of obvious truths apparently are needed.
1. Most malpractice suits are NOT frivolous. Listen to some of the medical atrocities perpetrated upon us by physicians, and you'll decide many of the awards are not nearly large enough.
2. Lawsuits are our only defense against incompetent practitioners, because the AMA steadfastly refuses to police and regulate its own members, and whether an AMA member or not, each is a stalwart defender of the rest of the crowd.
The corollary about being faced with prospects of tens of millions of new patients doesn't signify, because are we supposed to believe they are presently NOT in the system? Of course they are; they run to ER's for their needs, including crapulous headaches.
However, AMEN, I say, we NEED more physicians - now, in fact. Why must I schedule an internist, a dermatologist, or a urologist MONTHS in advance? This is the OLD system, the "ancien regime," RIGHT? Therefore, why not allow MORE students into medical schools as opposed to limiting the numbers strenuously?
Please don't try to frighten me about the consequent deterioration of medical care, when often now I'm lucky to see an NP or worse, a PA, someone with a degree in music or history, perhaps, and a couple of years' training. Further, before replying that only the very best emerge, take a close look at some of the dud MD's treating us.
This is the age of Affirmative Action, right? We systematically lower our standards to allow people to do work for which they are unqualified - it's our way of life - but I'm NOT suggesting ANY lowering of standards; rather just lowering the artificially-set hurdles that discourage or prevent students' applying to medical schools. Do you suppose there would be no takers for the profession that has done everything under the sun to style itself the most prestigious and generally wealthy in this country? Get serious. That's the reason for the hurdles, correct? If lots more doc's are prowling the streets, there might be a decrease in average income.
One impediment traditionally placed in the way was the requirement of an "A" in undergraduate Organic Chemistry, often a very tough course. Med school hopefuls just as traditionally scheme, cheat, and do anything to get that "A," but go check how many of the graduated physicians know carbon from nitrogen.
Wouldn't more MD's mean competition, which would reduce costs, and aren't high medical costs the principal motivation for all this congressional noise? Why must they all be rich? In other countries that's not the case, so why here?

Thursday, January 28, 2010


"One of Our Own," Willa Cather has two people's comparing education at the State (Nebraska, in this case) University and a Church college.

"But how can there be any serious study where they give so much time to athletics and frivolity. They pay their football coach a larger salary than their President."

It's taken 88 years, but it's comforting to know that we've finally rectified our priorities. :-)

"You get what you pay for." (Bad grammar, but you see what I mean, oui?)

Monday, January 25, 2010


Now that B.O. and Gorp have discredited the Nobel Peace Prize, which great Americans can we nominate to vitiate the others?

Economics. Geithner, for proving to what exalted levels an ordinary tax cheat can rise, given a corrupt sponsor. (Dis)honorable mentions to Daschle and other B.O. nominees.

Physics. Al "Oscar" Gorp, possibly the first two-time Nobel winner, as distinguished from two-timers, for his penetrating knowledge of weather and geophysical facts, based exclusively on factitious data supplied by other cheats.

Chemistry. A posthumous award to Ted Kennedy, a BASE character, plACIDly MIXED up throughout his political life, and not worth his SALT.

Medicine. Reid, with close runner-up, Joe "I'm really an independent" Lieberman, for advancing the cause of baby-murder.

Theology (new category). Pelosi, for explaining that abortion is actually approved by her Church.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today I begin with a question, then give my impression of the answer. After those, please evaluate the piece that follows.

Q: Who are most likely to use sticker books and paper dolls?

A: Small children

Dover Publications' New Book Catalog, Winter 2010, has offerings I find objectionable.

Page 40 advertises Guitar Rock Star Sticker Activity Book and Rock Band Sticker Activity Book. Do you want your small children taught to revere rock bands/stars? Before answering consider the antics of some of the more notorious.

On page 41 is found available Michael Jackson Paper Dolls, Commemorative Edition 1958-2009. The description invites one to "relive each era of the King of Pop's Life," and I wonder if these include the sundry pedophile adventures and ultimate death by drugs. Once again, parents, would you want your child to admire and venerate such a person? If you don't maintain standards of decency for your children, who will, their schools? :-)

Friday, January 22, 2010


I believe a person would need be a block of granite not to be heartbroken over the plight of Haiti. Complementing the disaster is the preliminary wretchedness of the country. For as long as anyone alive can remember, Haiti has been plagued by excuses for leadership varying between stupidly incompetent and viciously brutal. Ignorance, voodoo, and poverty are pandemic, and the preferred medium of construction must be pasteboard.
OF COURSE, we should send personnel, money, and materiel, the local application of which, with memories of Katrina, should be closely monitored and accounted. (Hopefully Haitians are more honorable than Louisianians.) OF COURSE, we should.
On the other hand, our aid should be administered THERE, NOT HERE. We don't need plane loads of refugees, especially if they are totally dependent and incapable of constructive, remunerative work, streaming into our country. Who has the authority to permit that? Who is screening the criminals and undesirables from the pool.
Let's HELP them to build housing and other facilities on THEIR ground. Anyone admitted here TEMPORARILY will vanish and be our liability FOREVER, as will his or her never-ending train of dependents. Look at our own welfare catastrophe, worsening by the hour. Help Haiti IN Haiti.
Our resources are NOT infinite. We cannot do for THE WORLD, particularly not on our own soil.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I mean canal, of course, and Massachusetts just shoved someone up and down B.O.'s! (Isn't that an endoscopy, or something?) It must be particular galling to the Commander-in-Chief after his personal appearances on behalf of the big loser, tee hee.

Hurrah for and blessings on you, Massachusetts. Be assured you did the RIGHT thing; NOT the right-wing thing, just the CORRECT thing.

Monday, January 18, 2010


WOW! B.O., who's even going to CHURCH, of all places, these days and very PUBLICLY, Katholic Kerry, and Katholic Kennedy's widow are all campaigning in Mass, the state, that is, not the service that Katholic Kerry, Katholic Pelosi, and Katholic Biden prize so highly.

Talk about heavy artillery! Is this senate seat important to B.O., his BADministration, and the hometown, Harvard puppeteers, or what?

Well, there's a great deal at stake: murdering unborn babies is a high priority, as are freebie health care for millions of slugs that have never tried to work and millions of illegal aliens that do, but cheat flagrantly on withholding exemptions and unemployment. Don't forget, too, the demolition of Medicare and generally good medical care for seniors and anyone that ever WORKED to EARN same for himself and family.

Remember your good leadership in colonial times, Massachusetts. Stand up for America, and another B.O. rubber stamp in the senate AIN'T America!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


isn't it, that an apparent Conservative is running strongly in Massachusetts, long renown for electing whatever lunatic liberal the Demo's dredge up?

This is a BAD sign for the BADministration, and B.O. is even making a trip there to read some Teleprompter messages!

The third party candidate is named Kennedy, and some people say this will hurt the Republicans, but isn't it reflexive there for Democrats to rally indiscriminately and sight unseen around the royal name?
Another concern for the Republicans, though, is Democrat election cheating. They are famous for that - years and years in Illinois, also Texas for JFK in 1960, tried it with the voting machine fantasy in Florida, ballot oddities elected a Minnesota comedian to the senate, on and on. A liberal will do anything to gain the objectives he feels pre-ordained to achieve, so watch out!
Come on Massachusetts, make me a liar and elect to the senate - for a change - someone with sense.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I was wondering which of these entertainment media has the higher per capita felony rate; ESPN keeps stats on how often the celebrity athletes go to the toilet in a week, don't they? Surely, someone can answer my question.

Why, sure, he closed that shotgun action, and it just happened to be pointed at his employee's chest when it accidentally discharged. Well, it wasn't exactly an accident that he tried to make it look like a suicide instead of reporting, like a man, what he claims to be the truth, but, heck, he's an athlete, and we make allowances for them, and he's an African American, so we make allowances for that - depraved by virtue of being deprived - and pretend to believe the defense's fantasy. Gee, the poor thug athlete may get up to eighteen months of jail for this disguised murder, but maybe a little community service like Baltimore's thieving mayor got will pay his debt to society.

P.S. Bryant didn't rape that girl, either, did he? His lousy team/league didn't harass/bribe her to recant, did they? Enjoy your sports, couch potatoes; they're like watching a police program, aren't they?

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Only if you live in Pelosi, the Catholic's, sickening little district or in Reid, the Brain's, unpopulous state do you have much legislative say in the BADministration's next health "care" formulation.

If you voted for this contraction, this intimidation, this molestation and abuse of republican government as prescribed by our Constitution, are you pleased?

Is this somehow different from Joe Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, and Mao? They, too, probably had little coteries of rulership to help define their evil plans.

Wake up in November or sooner, will you please?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Some time ago a legislating judge in Montana decided that its state constitution guaranteed a person the right to a physician - assisted death. ("Physician-assisted suicide" is a STUPID, ILLITERATE contradiction in terms, just as STUPID and ILLITERATE as "same-sex marriage.) The bi-annual legislature there happened not to be in session, and, whereas a governor with any respect for life would have called a special session to pass a sensible law, Montana lacked that, too. Therefore, sane people in the state laid their hopes in their Supreme Court.

The sane people were not rewarded with sanity, for that court decided there is nothing in their constitution to prevent felo-de-se with "expert" help!

Closer examination would probably reveal with equal clarity that the document likewise does not prohibit the state's exterminating all its wildlife or cutting down all its trees. If the legislature doesn't act in its next session, I suppose it's a matter of time until one or another court discovers the breakthrough interpretation that physicians there are REQUIRED to murder requesting patients. From there, it's a short hop to eliminating the "requesting" stipulation.

Friday, January 1, 2010


From the news reports, never awfully detailed when the BADministration looks BADly, as often occurs, the way I understand it is this.

1. A guy walks into the U.S. Embassy of his country and says, "I think my son is a dangerous wacko, probably now with terrorist training under his belt, and you should beware of him."

2. They put his name on a list all right, but somehow it's not the MOST dangerous list, and he is still able to use his visa to get on an airplane into our country! As he gets on the plane no one bothers to check the list that features him!

3. Whereas I can't get a large tube of toothpaste or deodorant bottle on a plane, the wacko walks on with a load of explosives!

Question: Why doesn't the senate take a break from destroying the best medical care system in the world at least long enough to inquire into how 2 and 3 above occurred during this period of "heightened security" I see broadsided at airports?

4. Told of the foiled terrorist attack, B.O. says he will think about it and runs off to play tennis! His decisions always take days to deliver, because a Neighborhood Organizer and a "present" voter naturally doesn't know beans about anything and must wait for the council of puppeteer czars to pull his strings. (My dear mother would say, "doesn't know shit from apple-butter." Thanks again, American (anti-American?) voters.)

5. TSA responds with more draconian - still random, of course, because it's a felony here to suppose one kind of person more likely to suffer some sort of defect than another - security measures.

Question: Why don't we stop playing let's pretend? Muslim terrorists, and there are millions of them, come from, or are descendants of people from, countries with large, Muslim populations ; they LOOK LIKE Arabs; they speak Arabic. Unlike our Monopoly money supply, our security resources are limited. Why don't we apply them to the people/areas of greatest risk? So what if they're offended and lose self-esteem? Let's be secure; let's be strong - two qualities we've lost.

Question: How on Earth can such an all-points loser as B.O. be living in the White House? I can see him as a doorman, maybe a chauffeur there, but that's about it.

Happy New Year and prayers and best wishes for surviving this electoral catastrophe.