Friday, March 5, 2010


One can find his own examples in newspapers most every day, but following are two currently prominent ones.

A man guilty on several occasions of threatening people with firearms and on others, of assault, strolled up to a Colorado middle school and shot two of the students. Only swift and heroic reaction by a teacher and others limited the casualties.

A registered California sex offender, once sentenced, at the prosecution's recommendation, to about 1/2 the maximum term and then paroled a year early, murdered a high school girl and probably assaulted another woman as a preliminary.

Yes, grievous crimes by psychopaths that could have been and SHOULD have been locked up are EVERYDAY OCCURRENCES in this country. How many thousands, tens of thousands, or millions must there be before laws and the courts keep known predators OUT OF CIRCULATION? Why isn't a "registered sex offender" behind bars for as long as lives?

We have large vacancies in some prisons, but there are so many criminals on the loose, wouldn't it be good business for the construction and service industries to build plenty of new ones and staff them with guards and other supporting personnel? Think of the NECESSARY new jobs that could be created. These people, unlike the airport myrmidons, would be doing useful work, too, not messing about with toothpaste tubes and shoes.

Even if a wave of new prison construction would not be profitable, this is the age of welfare, right? Why not some welfare spending that would help and protect ALL the decent citizens? Build prisons and keep the mad dogs penned up in them forever! At one stroke stimulate the economy and the safety of our people.

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