Monday, March 29, 2010


Rather often I see all manner of printed fury over scurrilous television programs', as well as other subsets of Horrywood, routinely lampooning religion. To me the puzzling aspect of these observations is that Christianity is the ONLY target.
I wonder why there are no attacks, gags, and LEVIT(E)Y about Jews. It can't be that Moses, with his 40-year trek to cover 200 miles, is not laughable; that the lion's den or the fiery furnace don't offer a spate of puns and snappy one-liners; or that splashing goat/lamb blood all over one's doorway isn't totally ridiculous.
What the devil is it then? Could it be that Jews own/run our entertainment media (Horrywood)? Is there a chance in a thousand that Jews also own/run a lot of the companies that advertise this televised puke? Mingled in with these alternatives is also the possibility that Jews have so conditioned this excuse for a society that they have, in fact, exalted themselves into immunity from criticism and jest?
What are your ideas? This is the Land of Equality, right? Why aren't religious insults dispensed with equity?

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