Friday, March 12, 2010


Yes, the dark chamber, but today we don't intend the art booth utilized so well by Johannes Vermeer and others. No, we reference our very own House of "Representatives," quotes to question just what it seeks to represent.
Our government appears to be obscuring, in fact, the prepositions in "government OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people," and I capitalized them because so many of our population, despite super massive expenditures supposedly on education, are too bloody illiterate to know what is a preposition.
This H of R is calling off its other business, barring its doors, and canceling its press exposure in a last-ditch effort to ram up our ***es a damnable medical "care" system that THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE DON'T **WANT**!
This latter explains why, despite big majorities in both houses and over a year of sweat, blood, hype, tears, lies, stupid grins, barnstorming, bribing the dough-smelling "reluctant" legislators, and false reportage by our left-wing excuse for news media, it STILL hasn't happened.
Catholic Pelosi, a rabid baby-murderer, said, "We have to pass the bill, so that you can find out what's in it ..." Can you believe that??!!?? From this pack of dictatorial liars, "Trust me and vote yes, baby, then we'll tell you what you approved."
Further, when did the U.S. government, even when it was honorable, ever UNDERestimate the cost of anything? Give me an example. Thus, when representatives are being asked (or coerced) to vote for this rechaufee of undesirable changes (Change you can believe in [sic], Yes'm) with NO price tag fixed, dig a trench and jump into it. Moron Reid and others in the BADministration estimate about a trillion bucks!!!! To what actual amount does that snippet of politician-speak translate; 10 trillion? 100 trillion? a quadrillion?
For this crew, folks, not even the sky is the limit, and that's irrespective of establishing a federal abortion factory, lavishing care on people here illegally, rationing what care we've got to encompass non-woking deadbeats, and ruining the system some of us have WORKED to create.

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