Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Remember the sound and fury over whether or not we should develop a star wars defense, weaponry capable of shooting down the missiles of an attacker? Proponents said it would be a valuable component of our defenses, while opponents said the effort would bankrupt us and never be effective. (Those were the days, of course, before B.O. and a Democrat House and Senate came along to teach us the true meaning of the word "bankruptcy" and being owned by foreign governments.
If you haven't been scrupulous about mining news reports, you may have missed notification that the opponents lost the debate! Yes, the ABL works! The BADministration and the "news" sources (see older posts for the use of quotes in this case) were not industrious about broadcasting the success.
Yes, a couple of weeks ago the ABL fired its million-watt chemical laser at a foreign-made missile and blasted it out of the Pacific night sky! The scheme is to have the laser-carrying planes orbit the borders of sword-rattling hoodlum countries like N. Korea and Iran, and if a hostile rocket is launched, the laser beam zaps it, and it falls back in the lap of the sender. (Along the way the R&D work showed that the weapon will also be effective against bigger missiles from bigger renegade nations.)
As a reward for success, the project had to lay off several of the development team, and B.O.'s BADministration is not quite sure what to do next. Of course, installation is out of the question, but the Commander-in-Chief has talked about taking apart the successful work of 10 years and ... well, he hasn't yet been informed exactly what he wants to do.
One thing is assured though; whatever money he saves by scrapping a useful weapons system will be earmarked for the nearest black hole of WELFARE!!!! There will be absolutely NO accountability for those funds and NO return on the investment - that's the rule with American welfare, right?

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