Saturday, March 27, 2010


Did you hear that the health care UNDERhaul rammed through by the Dummycrats includes some provisions about as similar to medical care as B.O. is to being a president? This pile of rubbish paper is so deep that, if it is not obliterated by sane legislators someday, people may mine fascinating items centuries from now - if we happen to survive B.O. the N.O. & Co. - like fossils from tar pits.
One eye-catcher is that the feds - in a dictatorship, who else? - also usurp control of the student loan program! Oh, boy! Since evryting the BADministration touches operates like a 1960's welfare plan, guess who'll be receiving all the loans people that work and pay taxes will be providing? Guess whose children and grandchildren will NOT be getting them?
Still glad you voted for a mulatto and a racist. along with a rubber stamp congress?

Enjoy it! Have a great time!


P.S. Does anyone remember a more racist White House resident?

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