Wednesday, March 31, 2010


"Liberals do sometimes imagine that votes and democracy are synonymous terms, and that it is unjustifiably dictatorial for God to decide to exist without an appeal to a referendum."
G.K. Chesterton, reprinted in The Golden Book Magazine, vol. 5, #25, January, 1927, p. 144.
A fascinating example on the transformation, perhaps transmogrification, of creeds with time is that in this country, nowadays, people calling themselves liberals **ARE** the dictators.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Rather often I see all manner of printed fury over scurrilous television programs', as well as other subsets of Horrywood, routinely lampooning religion. To me the puzzling aspect of these observations is that Christianity is the ONLY target.
I wonder why there are no attacks, gags, and LEVIT(E)Y about Jews. It can't be that Moses, with his 40-year trek to cover 200 miles, is not laughable; that the lion's den or the fiery furnace don't offer a spate of puns and snappy one-liners; or that splashing goat/lamb blood all over one's doorway isn't totally ridiculous.
What the devil is it then? Could it be that Jews own/run our entertainment media (Horrywood)? Is there a chance in a thousand that Jews also own/run a lot of the companies that advertise this televised puke? Mingled in with these alternatives is also the possibility that Jews have so conditioned this excuse for a society that they have, in fact, exalted themselves into immunity from criticism and jest?
What are your ideas? This is the Land of Equality, right? Why aren't religious insults dispensed with equity?

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I walked into a post office the other day and saw several placards on which Ellen Degenerate was plugging stamps supportive of animal causes.
The feds picked this show-biz unknown, catapulted to stardom by her "I'm really a queer," admission, which was calculated to have precisely that Horrywood effect.
Are the feds telling us that homosexuals are special and good? No, would the feds ever try to stuff any group down our throats, ignore facts, and tell us they are all, 100% good? Why, no! They never did that before, did they?
Did they?


Whereas it was rather easy to muzzle Mad Dog Michelle, the Worst Lady, and while the Presidium has tried to coach Catholic Biden what to say and not say, he was less easy to camouflage.
The left-wing press, mostly all we've got, which still molests Cheney as a target of opportunity, has already forgotten Joe's obscenity, but the Horrywood sleaze balls must have adored the PG-13 lapsus lingua. (I believe one usage of the f-word falls below Horrywood's R threshold.)
It's a slick crew running the show, isn't it? Every day there's a new, lower level of degradation, impropriety, or dishonesty. In other words it's a Horrywood BADministration.

*See early posts in the series for explanation of this designation for the entertainment media empire. In fact, see ALL the posts - they're enlightened, clever, and cool

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Did you hear that the health care UNDERhaul rammed through by the Dummycrats includes some provisions about as similar to medical care as B.O. is to being a president? This pile of rubbish paper is so deep that, if it is not obliterated by sane legislators someday, people may mine fascinating items centuries from now - if we happen to survive B.O. the N.O. & Co. - like fossils from tar pits.
One eye-catcher is that the feds - in a dictatorship, who else? - also usurp control of the student loan program! Oh, boy! Since evryting the BADministration touches operates like a 1960's welfare plan, guess who'll be receiving all the loans people that work and pay taxes will be providing? Guess whose children and grandchildren will NOT be getting them?
Still glad you voted for a mulatto and a racist. along with a rubber stamp congress?

Enjoy it! Have a great time!


P.S. Does anyone remember a more racist White House resident?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Never, even under the mendacious front of doing good, mainly to the undeserving, was so much spent by so few to guarantee harm and evil to so many, some even to be denied birth.
If, like Congressman Stooge Pack, you are so bloody stupid to pretend to believe anything that Curious George (see older posts) says, you may as well go queue up for extermination, which is part of the package, too, you know. According to Catholic Pelosi, now that it's voted, we can learn all the masonic, disastrous contents.
Is it possible for a future, rational congress to dismantle this nightmare that drags the best health care system in the world down to the level of those in England, Canada, and Russia, or have PIG SLAUGHTER and PIG PELOSI devised unconstitutional stratagems to perpetuate the catastrophe?

Friday, March 19, 2010


I read that even Al Sharpton, rather an icon for deception, lies, scams and a sort of spokesperson for lower-class African Americans, has been engaged by B.O. as another vital cog in his BADministration wheel.

It seems our AA's are dissatisfied with the record pace of fiscal throw-aways coming in their direction, so B.O. wants Truthful Al to placate them.

Is this all a class act or what? Well, "we" voted for it, right?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


If you don't remember or haven't seen Slaughter on 10th Avenue, too bad, but don't fret - you've got something much more comprehensive and vast (at least half-vast) at the moment; Slaughter on ALL the avenues.

Yes, the Slaughter slaughter of the Constitution as schemed by Louise, the remarkable pig from New York.

Must be great to have voted for someone dying to spearhead the slimy circumnavigation of the Constitution to allow the passage of a law, detestable to the majority of the population, without a proper vote. "One man, one vote," my ***. "One pig, all the votes."

Even the THOUGHT of such obscene chicanery makes it a dark day for the U.S.

Anyone that voted for that pig - not to mention several hundred other Dummycrats - should lose the privilege FOREVER.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Yes, the dark chamber, but today we don't intend the art booth utilized so well by Johannes Vermeer and others. No, we reference our very own House of "Representatives," quotes to question just what it seeks to represent.
Our government appears to be obscuring, in fact, the prepositions in "government OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people," and I capitalized them because so many of our population, despite super massive expenditures supposedly on education, are too bloody illiterate to know what is a preposition.
This H of R is calling off its other business, barring its doors, and canceling its press exposure in a last-ditch effort to ram up our ***es a damnable medical "care" system that THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE DON'T **WANT**!
This latter explains why, despite big majorities in both houses and over a year of sweat, blood, hype, tears, lies, stupid grins, barnstorming, bribing the dough-smelling "reluctant" legislators, and false reportage by our left-wing excuse for news media, it STILL hasn't happened.
Catholic Pelosi, a rabid baby-murderer, said, "We have to pass the bill, so that you can find out what's in it ..." Can you believe that??!!?? From this pack of dictatorial liars, "Trust me and vote yes, baby, then we'll tell you what you approved."
Further, when did the U.S. government, even when it was honorable, ever UNDERestimate the cost of anything? Give me an example. Thus, when representatives are being asked (or coerced) to vote for this rechaufee of undesirable changes (Change you can believe in [sic], Yes'm) with NO price tag fixed, dig a trench and jump into it. Moron Reid and others in the BADministration estimate about a trillion bucks!!!! To what actual amount does that snippet of politician-speak translate; 10 trillion? 100 trillion? a quadrillion?
For this crew, folks, not even the sky is the limit, and that's irrespective of establishing a federal abortion factory, lavishing care on people here illegally, rationing what care we've got to encompass non-woking deadbeats, and ruining the system some of us have WORKED to create.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Remember when J. Edgar Hoover ran the F.B.I.; when it busted gangsters, Commies bent on overthrowing the U.S., and other enemies of our country? At times, he went out in the field and made arrests himself!
J. Edgar didn't cotton to MLKJr; the reports that he was surrounded by Commies may have put off the Director. Consequently Bobby, I Laid Her, Too, Though I Never Tried a Court Case, Kennedy hated Hoover, who reportedly put tails on the midnight rambling brothers. Naturally, then, Hoover gets lambasted by the distorting, liberal press, which is the one we've got.
In Bill Klintoon's time, some FBI documents showed Hilary's finger prints - who buried that story? - and then in September, 2001, the Bureau was absolutely clueless, possibly a consequence of Klintoon's emasculation of it, when Hoover would have stuffed those murdering Muslims in his pipe and smoked the vicious trash.
The F.B.I permitted Ft. Hood to occur, too; they didn't want to offend anyone.
Next time, let's elect somebody with wits enough to make the F.B.I. once again an honored agency for our PROTECTION and not a collection of impotent, political CLOWNS.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


You know, the one that ate the cheese and lurked outside the mouse's hole with baited breath.

Mine, however, is bated because of my edge-of-the-chair anxiety for what awaits us at the Academy Awards! Remember, that's the night when Horrywood lionizes its own, the actresses dress like the sluts that most of them are, and the participants all forget their lines worse than in the 8th grade class play.

Once upon a time they were prizes for entertainment, but nowadays - starting when? I'm not certain - they've become a sententious display. Horrywood has generally harmful lessons it wants to inculcate upon us, and Oscar night is always a good abstract of its current, gutter philosophies .

Let's see, all manner of graphic violence - rape, murder, torture worse than perpetrated by Good Queen Bess - are OK for adults, while the same but with fewer "fucks" are great for 13-year-old's; Christianity is always wicked; transvestites are very old stuff; they aggrandize abortionists, junkies, and necrophiliacs; try to make martyrs of garden-variety queers; and deplore anything but views so leftist they are even passe' in Russia. They've lined up Alec " If Bush Gets Elected Slut Kim and I'll Move Out Of The Damned Country" Baldwin, remembered mainly for vile language in vile Glengary Whatever the Hell, so Chavez and Castro should get a few yucks.

Do any of the hot contenders deal with bestiality - favorably, of course, I mean? That might be a winner. I think in Lars and the Real Slut they got into the topic of sex with inanimate objects, didn't they?

Say, have they ever told the story of what Moses and Jethro were doing that made that bush burst into flames? How about why Abraham REALLY wanted to cut up Isaac? And the tale about how David was Jesse's illegitimate son, so that a REAL bastard got to be king of Israel?

No, we never see anything derogatory about Jews emanating from Horrywood, which they have traditionally and literally owned for as long as anyone living can recall, whereas pity for Jews and Jew devoutness, as in about a jillion, worthless movies like Schindler's Scroll and Chariots of Gefilte Fish have worn their meaningless awards year in and year out.

I lied; I wouldn't watch these clowns' propaganda if they staged the affair in my living room.


In this face-paced world of B.O.-, Democrat-, and RINO-fueled inflation, concurrent with the deflated investment possibilities they keep in place, it's a relief to save a few bob. You, senator, have saved me a lifetime of contributions to the **Republican** National Committee, because you treacherously wear that appellation and stupid people call you one of that fold, but here the energumen Democrats count on you as the good old reliable 60th vote for this damnable health care abortion - good choice of word, correct? - along with the upcoming unemployment and sundry other money flushes!

Hmm. It just occurred to me that perhaps you're simply in the class with political whore Mary Landreau and others. Maybe B.O. and the BADministration are slipping you a few under-the-table billion.

Whatever your tortile motivation, however, my future political contributions will be to deserving Conservative, therefore sane, candidates and not indirectly to any of your ilk.

Friday, March 5, 2010


One can find his own examples in newspapers most every day, but following are two currently prominent ones.

A man guilty on several occasions of threatening people with firearms and on others, of assault, strolled up to a Colorado middle school and shot two of the students. Only swift and heroic reaction by a teacher and others limited the casualties.

A registered California sex offender, once sentenced, at the prosecution's recommendation, to about 1/2 the maximum term and then paroled a year early, murdered a high school girl and probably assaulted another woman as a preliminary.

Yes, grievous crimes by psychopaths that could have been and SHOULD have been locked up are EVERYDAY OCCURRENCES in this country. How many thousands, tens of thousands, or millions must there be before laws and the courts keep known predators OUT OF CIRCULATION? Why isn't a "registered sex offender" behind bars for as long as lives?

We have large vacancies in some prisons, but there are so many criminals on the loose, wouldn't it be good business for the construction and service industries to build plenty of new ones and staff them with guards and other supporting personnel? Think of the NECESSARY new jobs that could be created. These people, unlike the airport myrmidons, would be doing useful work, too, not messing about with toothpaste tubes and shoes.

Even if a wave of new prison construction would not be profitable, this is the age of welfare, right? Why not some welfare spending that would help and protect ALL the decent citizens? Build prisons and keep the mad dogs penned up in them forever! At one stroke stimulate the economy and the safety of our people.


Isaiah 49:15

Can a mother forget her infant
be without tenderness for the child of her womb?

It's shocking and sickening to live in a time when the answer is so often "YES." Some even have this forgetfulness and absence of tenderness multiple times. As with so many other virtues one may rightfully ask, "In this country what became of motherhood?"

Thursday, March 4, 2010


The Bush administration was sufficiently stupid to release some of the Guantanamo vermin, quite a good percentage of whom are back in action supervising the Muslim war against us. Did you know that some of them promised not to do it, and the most gullible nation on earth believed them? When lying and cheating are accepted pillars of a guy's religion, don't believe him, OK?
B.O. and his BADministration are proving themselves, once again, even more stupid, however. Given the history of the released vermin, they actually want to INCREASE the number of murdering terrorists capable of killing our personnel.
I say let them rot in some oubliette; they want war, so let 'em have it, P.O.W. style.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Today, we give attention to Lancaster, California, where a couple of elected officials lately shamed us all by abandoning the Constitution. You probably didn't observe this on the "news" sources (see old posts for explanation of the quotes - they denote the left-wing sources that regularly bias and conceal what has occurred), but take a peek at every now and then for unvarnished looks at your country.
In a speech, Lancaster mayor R. Rex Parrish described his town as "a growing Christian community," which, if you check the demographics, it is, and in a web entry council member Sherry Marquez mentioned a Muslim "honor killing." Well as you might suspect, if you knew one existed, the Antelope Valley Human Relations Task Force, headed by an African-American, which you would also suspect, was all over these true statements like fleas on a dog. It decided that "people were harmed by this." [Wonder to what measurable extent; were they lacerated, bruised, wounded?]
The mayor and council member have avoided punishment by groveling apologies for speaking the truth, and isn't that a sickening demonstration of shrinking from Constitutional guarantees because of latter-day attempts to constrain the Bill of Rights as tricked up by our left-wing congress? Why wouldn't the two stand up, show a little spine, and say, "I made a true statement, and if it offends anyone, he or she can write it on paper and ram it both up and down his or her alimentary canal and then do his or her damnedest to impeach me." Next, attorneys should come forward and pursue the matter until a sensible court somewhere perforates this so-called "hate crime" travesty into the cheese cloth it is.
P.S. As you would also suspect, Lancaster has a "hate crime hot-line," where morons can make anonymous accusations against their neighbors - just as in - you guessed it again - 1984 or Fahrenheit 451.
As I have said about other elected poltroons, if these had been around in Revolutionary times, we'd still be a bloody colony.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Remember the sound and fury over whether or not we should develop a star wars defense, weaponry capable of shooting down the missiles of an attacker? Proponents said it would be a valuable component of our defenses, while opponents said the effort would bankrupt us and never be effective. (Those were the days, of course, before B.O. and a Democrat House and Senate came along to teach us the true meaning of the word "bankruptcy" and being owned by foreign governments.
If you haven't been scrupulous about mining news reports, you may have missed notification that the opponents lost the debate! Yes, the ABL works! The BADministration and the "news" sources (see older posts for the use of quotes in this case) were not industrious about broadcasting the success.
Yes, a couple of weeks ago the ABL fired its million-watt chemical laser at a foreign-made missile and blasted it out of the Pacific night sky! The scheme is to have the laser-carrying planes orbit the borders of sword-rattling hoodlum countries like N. Korea and Iran, and if a hostile rocket is launched, the laser beam zaps it, and it falls back in the lap of the sender. (Along the way the R&D work showed that the weapon will also be effective against bigger missiles from bigger renegade nations.)
As a reward for success, the project had to lay off several of the development team, and B.O.'s BADministration is not quite sure what to do next. Of course, installation is out of the question, but the Commander-in-Chief has talked about taking apart the successful work of 10 years and ... well, he hasn't yet been informed exactly what he wants to do.
One thing is assured though; whatever money he saves by scrapping a useful weapons system will be earmarked for the nearest black hole of WELFARE!!!! There will be absolutely NO accountability for those funds and NO return on the investment - that's the rule with American welfare, right?