Saturday, June 6, 2009


As much as I have always enjoyed being in Nevada, I’ve come to question the mentality of its residents, and the sole reason for this is Harry Reid. Any recorded comments of the man that I’ve heard are perforated with nonsensical 2-digit IQ inanities and contradictions. (Why do people re-elect patent losers? One hypothesis is the “he’s-got-seniority-and-power-think-what-he’ll-do-for-our-state” delusion. Look around; has Nevada taken any great leaps forward? Seniority and power mean bribes, and those benefit the graspers of same, not the peons that foolishly return them to office. A second explanation is simply that Nevada is polluted by Californians who tend to vote, almost by reflex, for the craziest of destructive lunatics like Boxer, Feinstein, and Pelosi.)

However, I digress - somewhat. The point is that if Reid made the statement “Dropped objects fall,” I would immediately conclude that Isaac Newton was an equal moron and buffoon. Thus, when he ballyhooed the perfection of Sotomayor, which exhalations of hot air were gazetted by the bigoted press that elected B.O., it cemented my earlier deduction about her incompetence to serve on the Supreme Court.

First of all, if you are not a member of some vocal minority or other, imagine yourself endowed with ability equal to that which she displays. Do you suppose you’d have “won” scholarships to Ivy League schools and walked away from Yale with a law degree? J (To her credit, though, unlike phony Populist, Ted Kennedy, she didn’t get the boot for cheating. This is more Michelle Obama-type affirmative action, though there’s no evidence that Sonia flunked an entrance exam and was nevertheless admitted.) Do you believe, then, that you’d have been appointed to high-level courts if politicians were NOT recruiting the votes of people of your minority?

At the same time, for decades this country has seen to it that incapable people were promoted into positions they could not possible discharge with expertise, so this is incidental compared to Sotomayor’s glaring deficiencies in principle and philosophy. Notice all her smug little jokes about and admissions to legislation by courts; her fatuous claims to appreciate laws better than a white, non-Spanish male; and B.O.’s use of the word “empathy” where he should have been discussing knowledge of law and the dedication to interpret it fairly. Clearly the letter of the Constitution takes a back seat to this woman’s intention to use her appointment to thrust a liberal dagger down our throats, and the devil take what the Constitution SAYS.

Over recent years the Supreme Court has generally rendered sane verdicts consistent with the Law of the Land, yet it has reversed 60% of Sotomayor’s Appeals Court decisions. Her current view that competence in jobs should take a lower priority than racial quotas is a clear signal of what to expect of her prejudicial rulings.

Suter, appointed by Bush senior, by the way, has been a sure-fire liberal vote every time the Supreme Court hears a case. Yet, according to the 8 May issue of the New York Times, the liberals’ bowsprit, he wasn’t acceptable. He, after all, only judged case-by-case and had the intolerable shortcoming of LACKING a wild-ass, liberal program of change to promote.

You can wager your last peso that B.O. didn’t make his selection in a way to confute the leading journal of his insane party.

If any of this fails to convince you, simply revert to the fact that intellectually-challenged Reid approves her. What better evidence is there than that?


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