Thursday, June 18, 2009


Lately I heard an interesting tale I have no reason to doubt, as it was related by the Mr. X mentioned below.

Mr. X, a naturalized citizen from country A, is a successful small businessman with a few enterprises. Mrs. X is a naturalized citizen of country B, where Communism happily collapsed, whereas the corrupt system continues to creak along in country A.

For a number of years, Mrs. X’s elderly mother traveled annually from B to spend several months with the X’s, and during that time Mr. X paid all her medical expenses and drug costs here. One year the U.S. said her visits were too prolonged to be classed as tourism and denied her a visa.

The X’s hired an attorney to investigate and learned that if the mother obtained a green card, she could live here permanently. She did just that, and, with a wave of the welfare wand, suddenly qualified for Medicare and Medicaid! Wow! Now WE get to pay for all her medical expenses and drug costs!

Mr. X is a Conservative and sensibly finds B.O. an inept, totalitarian lout. He is, however, quite pleased to benefit from the unwilling largesse of U.S. taxpayers.

I’ll bet, luckily for us, this is a unique case, don’t you? J


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