Thursday, December 24, 2009


The Lord himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14

That's right, friends; tomorrow we celebrate the coming of God among the people he created.

Please don't allow courts, craven school administrators, lunatic, left-wing organizations, the excuse for a congress we have, or the crew presently squatting in the White House dilute the fact of CHRISTMAS for you.

I'm happy to live in a town where the courthouse illuminates a big star - 5 points - during this season and nearly every business runs a MERRY CHRISTMAS message in the newspaper. America has not entirely vanished, you see, and each person has a duty to preserve his corner of it as it was when it was great or to revive that spirit.

God bless you all!

Yves Chauvire'

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Did you know that the Ft. Hood murderer

1. for more than a year had carried on correspondence with an Al Qaeda operative?

2. had often expressed the view that Muslim soldiers should not be required to fight Muslims?

The ARMY KNEW THIS, but sat with its finger up its collective anus so as not to appear prejudiced against a member of a - yes, the deadly, modern password again - MINORITY.

Pity that poor minority, which, after a few years of leporine breeding, will not BE a minority. How many of our lives equal an offense to a minority group?

Do you recall how on September 11, 2001 a ticket agent thought it unusual that FIVE obvious Arabs had ONE-WAY TICKETS to the same destination? She didn't raise an alarm for fear of being accused of discrimination. How many lives did that cost?


Tuesday, December 22, 2009



Most every day we get to see ILLinois economics in action, but consider this.

Some years back far-sighted ILLinois paid over $100M to build a prison, but, despite all the criminals there, it's empty! (Wonder who pocketed that "douceur" from the taxpayers.)

Luckily for the state that's fighting it out with Louisiana for MOST CORRUPT, though, brilliant B.O. the Neighborhood Organizer, wants to ship the Guantanamo rates there. Makes sense, right? They're to be tried in New York City, so why not house them in western ILLinois?

It's not just a question of using the building, however; the U.S., meaning U and I, will buy the damned place! Yes, other thieves - or possible the same ones - will get this particular "stimulus."

Shucks, it ain't the Olympics, but B.O.'s in there pitching for ILLinois every chance he gets. You've got to hand it to him, and, as usual, you WILL hand it - $, I mean - to him.

Enjoy becoming a bankrupt, third-world country? OK, keep voting Demo, saps.

Monday, December 21, 2009


I know just enough climate science to realize that the experts cannot even measure the effect of water vapor (clouds) on temperature changes, let alone of hydrocarbons and other things people produce and that there is irrefutable scientific proof that Earth has undergone enormous warming and cooling trends long before there were people on it.

Thus, I thought the Al Gorp/B.O. & Co. climate flap was a lot of nonsense, although I was impressed by the data they spouted, things like "8 of the last 10 years have been the warmest in recorded history."

Now, it seems that the leaked emails from "researchers" at the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit - and this is the basis for the the U.N.'s panic - PROVE that the data that captured my attention, along with that of a jillion or two others, were falsified, selectively and intentionally lost, and incompetently managed to the point of discrediting the whole movement, which is the correct word for crap, right? Even some of their own group criticized the head cheaters.

Why would supposedly objective scientists lower themselves to the level of vulgar liars? Here are several easy answers.

1. Being arrogant, liberal misologists, they would do anything to validate their "a priori" political prejudices. This is S.O.P. for liberals.

2. To garner for themselves windfalls of research money, with which they would deepen and propagate their dishonesty, publish bushels of new "research," and become tenured, famous and respected, if not rich.

3. To become rich, like Al Gorp, from championing and starting companies set up to solve non-existing problems with unnecessary technology.

Read and weep over, "Scientists Behaving Badly," by Steven Hayward, The Weekly Standard, Dec. 14, 2009, p.16. Then tell your legislative representatives to stop throwing away our money.

Saturday, December 19, 2009




Despite a clear majority of citizens OPPOSED to the health "care" disaster, B.O.'s korrupt krewe has bribed passage of it. The little backdoor entries to abortions are still there, as are funding for illegal aliens, and the destruction of the good care many of us worked a lifetime to earn.

"Work" and "earn" are foreign concepts to those that will benefit most by this travesty, as the United States, going out of its way to emulate unsuccessful systems all over the world, takes another step in its decline.

Another sad day for us. B.O and his puppeteers come up with a new one most every day.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Did you know that the Demo's health "care" plan encourages racial discrimination in medical schools? Yes, indeed, and favoring incompetents is supposed to improve health care for minorities. Apparently the oath these guys take can't guarantee equal treatment for "minorities," the password of our era.

Perhaps, though, that pledge can't guarantee anything, for, after swearing to preserve life, quite a few of the liars trot out and start murdering unborn babies. What a crew!

Do be aware, though, that affirmative action is still alive and well and undermining the quality of our country. Happy about that?

Monday, December 14, 2009


On the 3rd of November I mailed a first class envelope to a domestic location a bit less than 2000 miles distant, and it was delivered on the 16th, by which time I had paid the charge to send a second copy certified, since I feared the loss of the first.

On the 27th of November a fellow that lives 400 miles away paid $5 to priority-mail me a small package that arrived on the 11th of December.

Now, the same crew that administers the postal "service" wants to design our system of medical care! What is wrong with this picture? The loonies are running the mental hospital!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


On 7 December I promised a longer post on the subject above; this is it.

If you read a biographical sketch of young Charles Darwin, you'll find he was about as much a scientist as the average defensive tackle at a college football factory like Alabama. Following several flubbed attempts at careers he got taken aboard ship as a naturalist, a position arranged by an influential acquaintance. e noted some observations and said, "If evolution were true, it would explain these phenomena." Thus, it was left to scientists to attempt to adduce the veracity of evolution, an endeavor still unachieved. (In 2009, Charlie might have said, "Alien intervention would explain all this," and crazies would be scrabbling to find evidence that Earth had been visited by representatives of the planet Zontar.)

One of these was Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919), a man said to have been "more Darwinian than Darwin." Ernst was so anxious to substantiate Charlie's guess that his zeal triumphed over ethics, and in sketching family trees of organism to show what had descended from what, he invented and freely interpolated missing links and branches. In other words, Ernie lied in order to concoct "science" that would make Chuck's guess appear plausible.

In 1912 England were found the startling fossils of a primitive man, named Piltdown for the local eponomy. It took 40 years, but these were proven to be fake constructs of entirely contemporary species.

Anthropologist, eventually celebrated as a savant and expert in nearly everything, Margaret Mead (1901-1978) made her biggest splash with a study of Polynesian culture that showed how cool and OK nonchalant sex was for young girls there. The inference just waiting to be drawn, of course, was that the same would be cool and OK anywhere. She became a popular lecturer on all sorts of social issues, sat on government commissions, and had numerous publications, including one with James Baldwin, the titan of literature, called Rap on Race. (This was before "rap" became the designation for another brilliant and indispensable Afro-American contribution to our "culture.") Some years following her demise other anthropologists discovered that Maggie had been "misled" by her Polynesian informants; polite translation, she had lied about what she had found out there in the islands.

More recently, I reiterate, it occurred that some data meant to shock and panic us into bankruptcy to avoid what a "news" source called "calamitous global warming" were falsified.

Must I tell you again what a rational person's reaction to the FACT of fraudulent science should be? Idiots that ready to emulate lemmings because of global warming should proceed to jump in.

Based on these lies and the general ignorance about what is occurring with the climate and why, B.O.'s view is still that we should print even more Monopoly money, further devalue our currency, and throw $ at Africa (of course) and elsewhere in order to elude postulated catastrophes.

Since Dumbocrats control both houses, the odds are good that your senators and representative won't listen to reason, but it's time for you to make pleas for sanity and actions based upon HONEST AND OBJECTIVE SCIENCE.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I just read an idiotic statement that I shall paraphrase; "Why, yes, I rant and rave about illegal aliens, but what irritates me is government policy, not the fact that the scum are here."

Once again, as they say along the Nile, "That's a crock!"

Yes, I'm furious that our excuse for government DOESN'T ENFORCE THE LAWS, BUT THE ONES THAT ARE HERE SHOULD BE ROUNDED UP AND DEPORTED. If they gave birth to citizens here, tough; the citizens stay, the parents get kicked out.

My opening statement above is that of a poltroon and makes the same sense as "I deplore rape, but I don't have anything against rapists; it's God's fault for giving all the males penises."


The subject, naturally, refers to our country.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Just days ago, SSNL, Sleazy Saturday Night Live, took a swipe at Ti "Forsaking All Others/Till Death Us Do Part" Woods, and I saw among West Coast, West (If you're facing South)-Wing Yahoo's "news" headlines that SSNL was being criticized for this.

Observe the IMMEDIATE, A PRIORI bias - not that they had done it, but that they had been criticized for it. Dumbbell readers, most of what they have, are supposed to conclude, "Yo, bro, SSNL done wronged Bro Woods."

SSNL, to the exuberant applause of West-Wingers, routinely satirizes the private lives of decent Americans such as Sarah Palin, but on this occasion they switched classes of targets and lampooned Ti, whose infidelity count has reached 9, I just read.

So why the West- (Left) Wing uproar; because Straight Arrow Woods has some fraction of Negro blood in those busy, busy veins? We're not supposed to criticize or question Negro blood are we? That even accounts for the free ride B.O. seems to get from the spineless.

Monday, December 7, 2009


By these I mean instances where groups hostile to the welfare of the United States perpetrated on us large-scale acts of villainy. We should not forget who these people are and be wary of them in future.

Along with 7 December 1941, I include

11 September 2001 and
4 November 2008.



Al "Oscar" Gorp, for best performance by an actor based on ***falsified data***. Supporting actor/actress winners in the same category are B.O. and the entire Sky Is Falling Let's Bankrupt Ourselves Another Way Chicken Little Crew.

Lying about or falsifying the data in order to make a "scientific" point is not a new stratagem, and soon I'll post a blog about some of the more blatant, historical cases. While it's not Science, B.O. and Crew lied like hell about numbers of jobs saved and created by turning our currency into Monopoly money and throwing it to the four winds, so they have a poor track record on veracity with numbers.

Therefore, don't believe every number some blowhard tosses your way. A truly onager, energumen liberal feels entitled to any dishonesty that supports his pre-destined view of what is good and right - we already KNOW the climate data was faked - so beware; otherwise

The LOSER is ... YOU!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Lately I determined to watch a recording of a 2001 sci fi tv program. Purportedly it concerned time travel, and the initial setting - which was as far as I stayed with it - was - where else? - Auschwitz!!!!!

Everyone sentient recognizes that, except for sports, Jews control most everything in the entertainment world, but MUST they infiltrate the tragedies of World War II and Jewishness, in general, into EVERYTHING they produce? Of course, there is method in that focus, but show us a little variety, OK? I'm waiting for an obscene, scrofulous sitcom to be set in a death camp.

Ever hear of Father, now saint, Maxilmilian Kolbe or Father, now blessed, Pius Bartosik? I doubt you've seen their stories told, but how's this? Both Polish priests were arrested by the Nazi's and sent to - where else? - Auschwitz!!!!! There, Father Kolbe voluntarily died to save the life of another prisoner, and Father Bartosik was tortured to death. Think they were rare? Why don't we see their stories, or how about Edith Stein's?

I've had a belly full of Jewish prejudice, Semitism, in what's filmed and printed; haven't you?

P.S. Why doesn't this spell-checker understand "Semitism?"


Yet again, a high-profile star of the sports world has been found seriously deficient in the dimension of morality.

So far as is presently known, and happily, Mr. Woods has not beaten or decapitated a wife or mistress; raped, shot, robbed, or otherwise molested another citizen; while drunk, murdered a person with his car; cheated on exams; accepted bribes; been a junkie; or otherwise emulated too many ESPN Heroes.

Still, it's disheartening when a person one has admired, perhaps idolized, proves to be just another character - pig, rooster, you name it - from the barnyard. I'm happy it never happened to me and attribute the phenomenon to the deterioration in this country of character and of standards. I'm pleased, though, that there are lots of good people in Sportsworld, as Howard Cosell called it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Several times previously I've given here the opinion that the people responsibility for prematurely freeing criminals that proceed to perpetrate violent crimes should also share in the responsibility for those outcomes.

I have not modified that view, but I found it fascinating that when I read the first "news" report of the lunatic police-murderer in Seattle, Republican Huckabee was prominent for releasing the mad dog. It's true, and he should answer for it, but it was the first time I'd seen an elected official fingered, so to speak, in that way, whereas the story did not mention that the murderer was out on bail for a recent rape.

This startling bias in favor of liberals is why I write "news" so often here, but don't you agree that judges, psychiatrists, governors, psychologists, presidents - what have you - should be held accountable for permitting vicious predators that still should be incarcerated to roam among us? If they were, don't you suppose they'd be considerably more conservative and circumspect in their decisions?