Friday, January 9, 2009


That momentous day, the inauguration of our first mulatto president, is approaching, and I was remembering the most recent transition, eight years ago, when George W. moved in.

If you’ve been to D.C. you may have noticed the huge, gingerbread building across the road, now closed, from the White House. This is the Executive Office Building, which houses many of the ever-burgeoning staffs of the people that promised in their campaigns to reduce the size of government.

When Bush’s people moved in they discovered that Klintoon’s Krew had vandalized the place! Yessiree, as a transition present, Corona Bill’s folks had stolen items like computer mice, damaged various equipment, and otherwise disported themselves to the detriment of the building and the new regime.

From a truly onager liberal group, this is no great surprise; they have the Gestalt of being always correct, “politically,” according to their own ludicrous term, and any other way they choose. Any action, any means justifies their ends, civility and laws be damned. It’s how they are capable of automatically electing Toad Kennedy sex-ennially (no reference intended to his Midnight Cowboy role. Thus, their injurious misdemeanors in the E.O.B. were equally innocent as Bill Ayers’ bombings or Jerry, the Christian’s, condemnation of his country and taking the name of his purported God in vain.

At any rate, what do you feel is the probability that Bush’s people will welcome B.O.’s with equivalent sabotage? Of course, the latter may not know how to use computers and implements of technology, but I expect that aspect of the transition will be less opprobrious.


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