Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The Klintoons and our new government, in its earliest throes, continue to astonish me.

Hillary, purported Secretary of State, isn’t capable to make the mid-East tour, so a subordinate (in title, anyway) will do that and report to her, so that she can read “her” expert opinions off a teleprompter – just as her boss does! Brava!

While Bills’ foundation – what does it do? agricultural research on cigar wrapper tobacco? – rakes in $M’s worldwide, Hillary, if she ever gets up to speed herself, is supposed to deal fairly with contributors to the Klintoons’ burgeoning fortune. Well, of course, she can.

Speaking of “fairly,” Hillary’s deputy Secretaries of State are Jacob Lew, whose many lucrative investments include STATE OF – where else? – **ISRAEL** BONDS (These bonds, recall, are a nominal dodge of the Constitution’s prohibition against our supporting foreign countries.) and James Steinberg. Wow! Won’t we be dealing objectively in the Middle East and elsewhere? Won’t the Arab nations love us even more? Why, sure, we will, just as NPR’s Jewish correspondents in Jerusalem give us unbiased views of occurrences around there. Just why is it that Arabs riot outside our embassies when Israel attacks the Palestinians?

For some stunning $ amounts of Korona Bill’s speaking engagement honoraria, take a look at

Have a peek at his take from Horrywood and “entertainment” sources alone.

This is change, all right, folks; new, deplorable levels of conflict of interest, bias, and bribery flaunted publicly.

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