Saturday, January 24, 2009


Folks, he’s not the first BLACK anything, ‘cause he’s not BLACK! He’s a MULATTO. It’s a perfectly respectful word, so don’t be cowed by left-wing boobies or what you suspect left-wing boobies MIGHT think. It means a person with one white and one black parent. I don’t know – and have no curiosity – about the Worst Lady’s pedigree, but, assuming she’s BLACK, then their daughters are properly denominated as “quadroons,” people with one BLACK and three WHITE grandparents. Now, Robert Mugabe is BLACK, Malcolm X. was BLACK, Idi Amin was BLACK, and Jomo Kenyatta was BLACK. B.O., contrary to what is broadsided regularly by morons is not, by definition, BLACK. It’s as accurate to call B.O. WHITE as it is BLACK. So far as I can tell, James Baldwin, Jackie Robinson, Goose Tatum, and George Washington Carver were BLACK. Hale Berry, Tiger Woods, and B.O. are not.

Why are people in this country so stupid, so easily brainwashed, or such intellectual poltroons as to accept this “B.O. is BLACK fallacy?” It’s every bit as ridiculous as supposing that the word “marriage” applies to people of the same sex. If you’re someone that swallows that nonsense, you should try and classify yourself.


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