Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The Klintoons and our new government, in its earliest throes, continue to astonish me.

Hillary, purported Secretary of State, isn’t capable to make the mid-East tour, so a subordinate (in title, anyway) will do that and report to her, so that she can read “her” expert opinions off a teleprompter – just as her boss does! Brava!

While Bills’ foundation – what does it do? agricultural research on cigar wrapper tobacco? – rakes in $M’s worldwide, Hillary, if she ever gets up to speed herself, is supposed to deal fairly with contributors to the Klintoons’ burgeoning fortune. Well, of course, she can.

Speaking of “fairly,” Hillary’s deputy Secretaries of State are Jacob Lew, whose many lucrative investments include STATE OF – where else? – **ISRAEL** BONDS (These bonds, recall, are a nominal dodge of the Constitution’s prohibition against our supporting foreign countries.) and James Steinberg. Wow! Won’t we be dealing objectively in the Middle East and elsewhere? Won’t the Arab nations love us even more? Why, sure, we will, just as NPR’s Jewish correspondents in Jerusalem give us unbiased views of occurrences around there. Just why is it that Arabs riot outside our embassies when Israel attacks the Palestinians?

For some stunning $ amounts of Korona Bill’s speaking engagement honoraria, take a look at

Have a peek at his take from Horrywood and “entertainment” sources alone.

This is change, all right, folks; new, deplorable levels of conflict of interest, bias, and bribery flaunted publicly.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It was noted here some months ago that B.O.'s ONLY - check that, ONLY - assertive stand had been on murdering unborn babies; I mean, back in Illinois, he was downright bloodthirsty.

Not surprisingly we see that freeing up funds for escalating the slaughter was high on our first mulatto president's priority list.

Just think how many lives would be saved if his mother had taken that same step.



While it sounds like Scrooge's expletive, also appropriate in this case, it's the French for "down" and is used to indicate our continuing declension.

A country without standards, a country where felons are elected to high office, now promotes a vulgar tax cheat to the president's cabinet! Says volumes about his proponent, that same president, wouldn't you say, not to mention our senate?

Stay tuned, majority voters and others. This is only the beginning, folks; only the beginning.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I modified B.O.’s campaign slogan to read as if composed by a literate person.

Let’s give a Jerry Wright Hallelujah! And Amen! In gratitude to our majority voters. I’d say that our first mulatto president was right on about change. For three examples, it’s extremely original of him to select
1. A Secretary of State with about 1001 conflict of interest citations owing to her husband’s – legal, if not boudoir – raking in $M’s from countries with which she will be presumed to be our effective interface.

A: See above.
Q: B.O., what did you trade for the Klintoons’ election support?

Korona Bill called him a “good salesman,” but people of the caliber voting for him probably interpreted that innuendo as a compliment, as they would any utterance by NPR, Okra Windfree, The New Dorker, etc.

2. A Treasury Secretary that is an acknowledged income tax cheat! “Well, good ol’ Harold Washington, after whom Chicago buildings are named, made mayor of that city on the same credentials, so, why not?” said good ol’ semi-Chicagoan, B.O. This is the Bill Ayers, Jerry Wright, Blago-Blago pal. Is there anyone around there not vitiated by scurrilous politics?

3. An Attorney general that, under Korona King Bill Klintoon, engineered pardons for some quite heinous felons that should be at Guantanamo. (Or shall we close that place and give the inmates license to prey on us again?) That gives us lots of confidence, B.O.; perhaps now we’ll suspend the tiresome formality of indicting and prosecuting heinous criminals altogether. “Allah, be praised,” chant our sub-population of Muslim, wanna be terrorists. “If we don’t reach Paradise on our own efforts, the semi-Muslim gonna pardon us, anyhow.”

Folks, I CAN believe in this species of change! I PREDICTED it! It’s EXACTLY the kind of injurious floundering I expected from B.O. and his retinue of string-pullers. Why were the MAJORITY here in the MINORITY of sense?

My thanks to the incredibly ignorant jerks that voted for this sham.



Folks, he’s not the first BLACK anything, ‘cause he’s not BLACK! He’s a MULATTO. It’s a perfectly respectful word, so don’t be cowed by left-wing boobies or what you suspect left-wing boobies MIGHT think. It means a person with one white and one black parent. I don’t know – and have no curiosity – about the Worst Lady’s pedigree, but, assuming she’s BLACK, then their daughters are properly denominated as “quadroons,” people with one BLACK and three WHITE grandparents. Now, Robert Mugabe is BLACK, Malcolm X. was BLACK, Idi Amin was BLACK, and Jomo Kenyatta was BLACK. B.O., contrary to what is broadsided regularly by morons is not, by definition, BLACK. It’s as accurate to call B.O. WHITE as it is BLACK. So far as I can tell, James Baldwin, Jackie Robinson, Goose Tatum, and George Washington Carver were BLACK. Hale Berry, Tiger Woods, and B.O. are not.

Why are people in this country so stupid, so easily brainwashed, or such intellectual poltroons as to accept this “B.O. is BLACK fallacy?” It’s every bit as ridiculous as supposing that the word “marriage” applies to people of the same sex. If you’re someone that swallows that nonsense, you should try and classify yourself.



In 1794 Father Duliou refused to take the anti-papal oath of the “Civil Constitution of the Clergy,” devised by the Jacobin maniacs of the French Revolution. As a consequence, at age 64, he, along with thirteen other priests met the guillotine.

I find a great similarity to the notion of government fanatics’ coercing physicians and medical workers to murder unborn babies in our hospitals. I hope and pray that anyone threatened in this way has a tenth of Father Duliou’s courage.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Friends, Countrymen, Illegal Aliens,

For quite some time I’ve wanted to write you about the global warming issue, which some are attempting to fan into a panic. You should understand, though, that with so many misconceptions, errors, and the disastrous election to attempt to help prevent, there is just so much one savant can do in a day.

Nevertheless, for the time being please accept some sound advice; don’t be thrown into a funk or stampeded into silliness by very UNscientific, downright fallacious nonsense promulgated by self-serving morons. We don’t need to be scattering trillions of dollars among the would-be energy companies in which Al Gorp, the champion electricity consumer, owns interests.

There is NO disputing that global average temperatures have been increasing, but, please, even if you dwell near an ocean, don’t be fleeing to high ground and ducking your mortgage, so that I’ll have to bail out your rump, too, because you fear the melting icecap will drown you. I don’t generally retail the Internet wisdom that overwhelms us all, but try this experiment; put some ice and some water in a glass and mark the water level. When the ice has melted, observe that it is exactly the same.

I’ll be back to you, and with some comprehensible, convincing science, on this.


Friday, January 9, 2009


That momentous day, the inauguration of our first mulatto president, is approaching, and I was remembering the most recent transition, eight years ago, when George W. moved in.

If you’ve been to D.C. you may have noticed the huge, gingerbread building across the road, now closed, from the White House. This is the Executive Office Building, which houses many of the ever-burgeoning staffs of the people that promised in their campaigns to reduce the size of government.

When Bush’s people moved in they discovered that Klintoon’s Krew had vandalized the place! Yessiree, as a transition present, Corona Bill’s folks had stolen items like computer mice, damaged various equipment, and otherwise disported themselves to the detriment of the building and the new regime.

From a truly onager liberal group, this is no great surprise; they have the Gestalt of being always correct, “politically,” according to their own ludicrous term, and any other way they choose. Any action, any means justifies their ends, civility and laws be damned. It’s how they are capable of automatically electing Toad Kennedy sex-ennially (no reference intended to his Midnight Cowboy role. Thus, their injurious misdemeanors in the E.O.B. were equally innocent as Bill Ayers’ bombings or Jerry, the Christian’s, condemnation of his country and taking the name of his purported God in vain.

At any rate, what do you feel is the probability that Bush’s people will welcome B.O.’s with equivalent sabotage? Of course, the latter may not know how to use computers and implements of technology, but I expect that aspect of the transition will be less opprobrious.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


In Newtonian physics the sequel is “must come down,” but this apparently is invalid in contemporary economics, where whatever goes up stays up.

When oil prices shot up like benevolent Ho Chi Minh’s mortar shells, the postal “service” zapped us with commensurate – or greater– escalations. The floundering airline companies poured on surcharges and commenced a la carte baggage billing. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry that meddled in delivery or anything approximating transportation or energy leaped into the reverse price war with their own gouges.

My question is why, now that oil prices have declined from psychotic elevations, are these premiums (premia?) not cancelled? Why aren’t stamps back to 37 cents or less? Why are ticket prices from the bankrupt airlines still stratospheric? Why are delivery surcharges still in place?

Why isn’t GOVERNMENT actually FOR THE PEOPLE? Why doesn’t GOVERNMENT defend us against predatory agents in the private, as well as in its own, sector?