Sunday, August 29, 2010


I have spent a good deal of time trying to decide how people like Toad Kennedy, Scott Brown, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Judy Gregg, Christopher Dodd, and Barney Frank can be elected, sometimes for decades of terms, when their ideals seem about as consistent with the U.S. Constitution as those of Mao Tze Tung - or however that's transliterated these days.

Quite unexpectedly I found a compelling explanation, almost as if addressed to my question, in a 1928 story, "The Dunwich Horror," by Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

"Perhaps one reason ... is that the natives are now repellantly decadent, having gone far along that path of retrogression so common in many New England backwaters. They have come to form a race by themselves, with the well-defined mental and physical stigmata of degeneracy and inbreeding. The average of their intelligence is woefully low, whilst their annals reek of overt viciousness and of half-hidden murders, incests, and deeds of almost unnameable violence and perversity."

Wow! Just think, too, that New Englanders have had over 80 additional years for decline and degeneration! Keep in mind, finally, that our present BADministration is populated and controlled by Harvard - that's in New England, isn't it? - villains.

Posthumous thanks to H.P. for clarifying the issue.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Definition of traitor (from a cheap dictionary): ONE WHO VIOLATES HIS ALLEGIANCE AND BETRAYS HIS COUNTRY.

Would you classify as a traitor, then, one that SWORE TO GOD to uphold the Constitution of the U.S. then trampled that oath in the dirt of personal conviction? I would.

Consequently, I classify Vaughn Walker, posing as a judge, as a 24K traitor, because he grossly and with prepense misinterpreted the Constitution in favor of his own queerdom.

In more equitable days traitors were shot - and still are in many places. However, thanks to the Constitution Walker besmirched, we have a simple mechanism for removing his ilk from government and the legal implementation of the will of a people. It is called impeachment and is not only for the likes of Klintoon and B.O., but may be applied to judicial posers, as well.

Impeachment must begin by a vote of the House of Representatives. If you feel that Walker should be impeached, tell your representative. If s/he doesn't agree, then s/he is as guilty as queer Walker.

Incidentally, you can expect comparable misinterpretations of the law of the land from Soto what'shername and from Kagan. Everything either of them ever said or did - of course, Kagan has never been any sort of judge (good picking, B.O.) - indicates that their personal views displace in every instance the priority the law should have.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Horrywood, my designation for the entertainment empire (including athletics), has a serious dilemma.

Generally favoring any and EVERY outrageous violation of good sense, decency, and morality, Horrywood flocked with its surplus of shekels to help B.O. become Putzident of the United States. Generally, its left-wing fixation has been well rewarded by Curious Geroge.

Now, however, Jew-controlled Horrywood is distressed over the Muslim thrust to build a mosque and Islam ( = peace, don't forget)center where crews of its peace-loving adherents murdered several thousand of our citizens.

B.O., on the other hand, is more Muslim than anything and favors the peace complex in lower Manhattan (Truth to tell, all of Mayor Boombag's kingdom is more or less lower.)!

The Jewish empire of Horrywood is thus faced with a severe ideological problem. Loving B.O., they should embrace the mosque and other peace construction there, but being Jews they should eschew the antics of their fellow Semites. (Yes, Arabs are Semites, too.)

Russian-born Kirk Douglas, venerable Horrywood ikon, all of whose favorite charities are in Jerusalem, is conciliatory. Thus, it may be possible for these gods and goddesses to remain B.O.loyalists. If there's one trait common to all truly nutty liberals, it's the ability to find some screwy reasoning to justify anything they choose.

Monday, August 23, 2010


"Sin passes itself off as an expansion, an emancipation; at the moment of yielding to it, every sinner is inclined to believe this. The very opposite is true. By sinning I emancipate myself only from my own proper nature, my own happy destiny, choosing a falsification of myself, following a road without a goal, or, rather, one whose goal is not what I am seeking: my own perdition."

Father Antonin G. Sertillanges, d. 1948

Think carefully about this, especially the first sentence.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Hints of Defense Secretary Gates' resignation has Corruption City, U.S.A., aka Washington, D.C., in a frenzy over whom B.O. and the Harvard Soviet might appoint as a rplacement.

Inferences based on previous choices have resulted in this short list, not necessarily in order of preference.

Oprah Winfrie, known here as Okra Windfree
Jesse Jackson
Spike Lee
Lew Alcindor, later Karim Abdul something or other
Mike Tyson
Whitney Houston
Jesse Jackson, Junior
Michelle Obama, the Worst Lady
Cassius Clay, later Mohammed something or other
The Platters

CORRECTION - THE TOP 11 FOR 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I made a rare error, readers, and failed to notice that one of the top corruption entries was actually a duet: along with Jesse Jackson, Junior, there was also Illinois' gubernatorial senate appointee (to fill B.O.'s seldom occupied seat) Burris!

Thus my summary stats need be modified

10/11 are Dummycrats
5/11 are partial blacks
3/11 are BADministration

At least the % BADministration improved.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

THE TOP TEN FOR 2009!!!!!

Possibly due to obsession with the athletic side of the entertainment industry (Horrywood) Americans are extremely conscious of rank; "We're Number One!"; the top 20 business schools, the top 20 athlete/student football teams, the most searched celebrities on the web, oooh!

If you didn't already know, let me retail the news that Judicial Watch published its list of The Top Ten Most Corrupt Politicians for 2009! You can find the website and read the roll of the worst in government, but here are some summary statistics.

9 are Dummycrats
4 are partial blacks
3 belong to the BADministration
1 is a "full of pride" homosexual

These fractions of types are much higher than in our overall population; i.e., we are much less (thankfully) than 90% Dummycrat, much less than 40% partial black, etc. What does this tell you about the present government?


Who did this to us?


Monday, August 16, 2010


The other day I mentioned the Spanish Civil War and the large number of Catholic religious murdered by the "soi disant" Popular Front. A little checking revealed that about 10,000 Catholics were murdered by that crew, and that 2/3 of them were priests and other religious, such as nuns and brothers.

I do recall that Horrywood created a version of Graham Greene's novel, The Power and the Glory, which dealt with Mexico's anti-clerical rampage, but that's an old film, and I think it's time that large-scale Communist atrocities received some of the limelight they deserve. It may be that the Catholics haven't yet learned to wail so loudly and inflate the numbers of their losses.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


On 2 August, "A Woman for All Seasons," I told you a little about this remarkable woman, later Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, and asked how Horrywood, our combined, omnipresent, Argus of an entertainment industry could have overlooked such a powerful, true story.

Is it that Horrywood is out of tune with religious themes? Clearly not, for take a look at “Bee Season,” with Gere and Binoche, to witness the celebration of Judaism over Catholicism and a general attack, under the advertised guise of a story about a kid in spelling bees, of the latter faith.

Is it that in Horrywood there lurks some ethnic or religious bias against Christians, in general, or Catholics, in particular? Hmm, before answering, do try and recall the number of movie sluts with crosses dangling over their marvelous breasts as they fornicate or flaunt their sleeping arrangements. Seen any Mogen David's on those luscious chests?

While they were about it, the Nazi’s made Saints and Blesseds (the stage preliminary to sainthood, which is not at all an easy achievement) of quite a number of Polish priests, nuns, and Catholic lay people. Polish priest, now Saint, Maximilian Maria Kolbe (14 August), for example, proffered his life to save that of a fellow concentration camp prisoner. Wouldn’t that, against a background of wholesale murder and war, make a memorable film? Sidney Carton’s sacrifice did, didn’t it?

If you think the only people tortured and slaughtered in death camps were Jews, then you ought to ask who’s been telling the stories you know and those related to your school children by teachers whose only concept of what happened back then was formed in front of television sets or in classrooms of third-rate colleges of education. Why hasn’t Horrywood catapulted those names above into sublunary prominence to accompany the celestial honors they’ve been accorded.

Doesn’t it seem to you that Jews are the ONLY group you’ve ever seen film-memorialized in depictions of Nazi brutality and murder? ( By the way, non-readers of German and those totally ignorant of history, the “Z” in Nazi stands for what we call “Socialist!” Denken daran, Onager Liberals.)

Another important question is how has Communism dodged Horrywood’s potent bullets? Consider, for example, that the Catholic Martyrology – register of saints – enrolls numbers of priests, nuns, and Catholic lay people murdered by the “Popular Front,” their own euphemism for “vicious Communists,” during the Spanish Civil War. You’ve seen the Hemingway side, right, but what about the non-Commies?

Horrywood-wise, Commies have come off with astonishing leniency. What movie or tv miniseries ever alluded to Stalin’s murder of millions of his own people? What screen legends acted out Mao and Jo’s (however transliterated nowadays) annihilation of equal numbers of Chinese? Why has Benevolent Uncle Ho, idol of Jane Fonda and her Horrywood dung dregs and calculated murderer of several million Vietnamese, Catholics of especially high priority, escaped Tinsel Town’s scrutiny?

Perhaps if the Ukranians, Chinese, and Vietnamese had been predominantly Jews, we’d have seen these forgotten events graphic dramatized hundreds of times, as we have Hitler’s liquidation of German and Polish Jews. Perhaps Horrywood’s lust for Communism might have succumbed to its blatant Semitism.

Regardless of all this, remember Edith Stein, Saint Benedicta of the Cross, commemorated on 9 August.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Yes, folks, the BADministration has decreed that YOU will pick up the tab for bailing out surplus teachers that failing state economies would lay off and public "workers" whose "work" is not so valuable as to survive sensible budget cuts.

These nutty liberals are ALL Chuck Darwin fans, are they not? Survival of the fittest and all that anti-Creationist stuff? Why, then, are they so Christian in their charity? The answer lies in a Danny DeVito/Gregory Peck film title, "Other People's Money." That is a facile way to be generous, right, and buy a few more votes, to boot.

This is your Socialist government in action. Hope you've got plenty of dough or are on the panhandling end of things.

Monday, August 9, 2010



Does it worry you at all that a considerable majority of the senate voted to approve for the supreme court an inexperienced Harvard wacko, an obious disbeliever in the U.S. Constitution in favor of her own lunatic liberal view of the world? Unfortunately, this 50-year-old can be expected to live long enough to help dismantle our country for decades to come.

Does it bother you that B.O., this congress, and this BADministration sit with their fingers up their noses and refuse to secure a border where the scum of South America pours in daily to lend its collective hand at ruining the United States of America?

If these patent truths do NOT cause you any anxiety, then run out in November and vote for incumbents; they're pointing the way to our utter destruction. You deserve what you'll get, but I don't.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Of course, they do it frequently, but I just revisited one of their more blatant cases, which reminded me of another. The first was in a film version of The King and I, in which librettist Oscar Hammerstein II sought to teach us that the Civil War was fought to free slaves. If that were true, Honest Abe Lincoln must have lied about 20 times, for at least that often he reminded hearers and readers that slaves were NOT his reason for prosecuting war against the Confederacy.

Some years back at the big Washington, D.C. stage extravaganza for Memorial Day, master of ceremonies, actor Charles Durning, announced that World War II was fought to rescue Jews! That was especially surprising news, especially in that it was not until AFTER the war that the extent of depredations against the Jews was known.

Lesson: Don't believe much that comes from Horrywood, by which I designate the vast entertainment empire that saturates daily life here and abroad.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Edith Stein, a German Jew born in 1891, studied philosophy and philology at the universities of Breslau and Goettingen (the latter practically a Hall of Fame for World Class mathematicians) before World War I and obtained a doctorate in philosophy at Freiburg after it.

After reading the autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila, Edith was baptized a Catholic in 1922. She became a distinguished author and teacher, but with the ascendancy of the Nazi party, she entered a Discalced Carmelite monastery in October, 1933. In April, 1934 she received the Habit and became Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. On Easter, 1935 she professed her final vows.

As an ethnic Jew Sister Teresa Benedicta came to understood that her presence was dangerous to the monastery and asked permission to transfer to a different country. On the final night of 1938 she crossed secretly into neutral Holland and joined the convent at Echt.

Unimpressed by declarations of neutrality, The Nazi's invaded her new country, however, and when the Dutch bishops protested the deportation of Jews and the removal of Jewish children from Catholic schools, all Catholics of Jewish descent in the country were arrested. Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross was forced from her monastery on 2 August 1942 and murdered in the Auschwitz gas chambers seven days later. Prophetically, perhaps,she had added "of the Cross" to her name.

Is this not a spell-binding tale of achievement, internal conflict, spiritual resolve, heroism - something to inspire everyone? For the clincher consider that on 11 October 1998, she was canonized by Pope John Paul II and is now SAINT Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.

Would the life, death, and posthumous events in the earthly affairs of this contemporary saint not make a fascinating film? If I were familiar with the background of those times, I could write the play or screenplay myself. How can Horrywood have overlooked a true story of such power for so long? Her tragic life was consummated 68 years ago, and she has been recognized as a Saint - an action not lightly undertaken in the Catholic Church - a dozen years ago. Add to this the certified miracles necessary to her elevation. (Do not sneer at this process; Joan of Arc was not canonized until 1920.)

In a sequel post we shall examine possible reasons for this negligence, but 9 August is Edith Stein's Saint Day in the hagiography, and whatever your religious sentiments, remember on that day a true Woman for all Seasons, a bona fide Saint.