Thursday, April 1, 2010


Prominent in the "news" has been that N. England had some heavy rains and flooding. (Did you ever notice that an event of 6.5 on some scale of woe gets lots more attention from our left-wing press if it happens on the east coast - D.C. and above - or on the west coast, than in other places?)
Already the bleat of those affected has been gazetted across the country. "I can't afford no new furnace; the gummint gotta come 'n buy me one!" It's not as pathetic as the Katrina lamentations, but then that was a hurricane.
What I'm wondering is when and how so many of "The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" got to be such simpering wimps. My guess is that it's been a creeping, debilitating condition beginning with the unprecedented welfare wasted on partial blacks, meaning AA's of some proportion.
Observers said, "Hey, they're getting regular handouts; why not us? We want our fair share."
This trend has continued up to the present, when B.O., himself and the Worst Lady raised, trained, and beneficiaries in the psychology of give-away's, is bailing out more interests - and subsequently controlling them, too, if you happened to notice - than the Titanic crew.
Probably it won't be long before China is sending CARE packages to the most vociferous of our whiners.

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