Thursday, April 1, 2010


In November, 2008 I voted for him, not because I believed he was the conservative candidate we needed - rather, I thought him the rare, moderate Democrat alive these days - but that he was a decent, honorable man with a decent family and values, decent associates and friends, and generally good intentions. In all these dimensions he eclipsed B.O.
I was later disappointed to read that he had managed his own campaign, for it was ineffably stupid. Instead of coming out swinging and slashing 24/7 at the interminable list of B.O.'s faults, secrets, inexperience, and proven ineptitude, he stood with his finger up his nose like a typical, affirmative action liberal, terrified to criticize and hammer away at a mulatto. He should have been attacking that creep relentlessly, morning to night.
Sarah Palin, with more governing experience than the other three of them combined, was the sole bright spot, but his campaign managed quickly to stifle the optimism she generated. Allowed to be ridiculed by stupid, left-wing television programs and identified by him as probably to be assigned some trivial responsibility in his hypothetical government, she was grossly mishandled, a colossal botch by McCain.
Speaking of television he should have told "Tooth" Letterperson, aka Mr. Fidelity, that he wanted no part of his nescient program. This would have won him more votes than the feeble attempts to conciliate classes of people that would not have voted for him in a millennium. Why are Republicans so mentally challenged in that way? They squander resources every election. They should say, "I know you won't for me, so to hell with you, and I'm glad if my policies offend you." As the old song went, "When will they ever learn?"
Presently I get money-seeking emails from a McCain organization, and I presume this owes to the tough primary fight I hear he faces. To reiterate, I believe that morally he is a genuinely good man - and, unlike many morons that voted for the likes of Klintoon and B.O., I lay considerable emphasis on that - but given an opportunity to vote for a truly conservative opponent, I would certainly snub McCain.

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