Thursday, April 8, 2010


"Taxpayer Tim" Geithner wants a national sales tax to pay for B.O. & Co.'s fantasies. New taxes are coming, too, it appears, to pay for the unjustifiable, anti- global warming charades that will do absolutely ZERO in modifying the climate.

Don't be surprised in the least by this; if you've ever lived in a country where the government controls everything, you know that the price tag for its endless projects and waste runs quite high. Of course, it's no concern to our welfare crowd - you know the obese "poor" with blackberries and meals served at school - but a good many of you will soon find yourselves among the "rich;" i.e., actual, as distinguished from "Taxpayer Tim," people with jobs and who pay taxes. That's the class that will pick up the tab, and the only, minuscule comfort I derive from that reality is that plenty of the loonies that voted for this nightmare will be shelling out the shekels, too.

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