Wednesday, April 21, 2010


One might get the erroneous idea that it is unconstitutional - what a besmirched, overworked word - for a high school valedictorian to talk about God or Jesus (I don't know if Muhammad or Buddha has arisen in that context; probably that would be OK) or for a student to say a prayer or organize a prayer meeting. Courts have confirmed these rights, and don't you forget it.
School administrators, generally unbrilliant and unbold and often ex-football coaches, have been frightened by "news" media. They don't want trouble from the lousy ACLU or anyone else that sets ripples into the placid surface leading to happy, peaceful, lucrative retirement. Thus, they impose rules they feel are certain to placate the vociferous activists in their milieus, however mistaken those might be.
Therefore, do not be cowed or cheated - regarding schools or anywhere else; stand up for what is yours, and if that means suing some ideological bully, do it!
If citizens here had not stood up - to the point of warfare and death - for what was theirs, we'd still be a bloody colony!

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