Saturday, April 24, 2010


At last a government has had the sense to make a plan to get and keep law-breaking undesirables OUT of our country.
Is it to much to hope that the pukes in D.C. get the hint?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


One might get the erroneous idea that it is unconstitutional - what a besmirched, overworked word - for a high school valedictorian to talk about God or Jesus (I don't know if Muhammad or Buddha has arisen in that context; probably that would be OK) or for a student to say a prayer or organize a prayer meeting. Courts have confirmed these rights, and don't you forget it.
School administrators, generally unbrilliant and unbold and often ex-football coaches, have been frightened by "news" media. They don't want trouble from the lousy ACLU or anyone else that sets ripples into the placid surface leading to happy, peaceful, lucrative retirement. Thus, they impose rules they feel are certain to placate the vociferous activists in their milieus, however mistaken those might be.
Therefore, do not be cowed or cheated - regarding schools or anywhere else; stand up for what is yours, and if that means suing some ideological bully, do it!
If citizens here had not stood up - to the point of warfare and death - for what was theirs, we'd still be a bloody colony!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


It seems to me that many federal judges, all the way up to include the Supremes, have this knack and see their jobs as reading the Constitution and misinterpreting it into a tale by the Bros. Grimm. Quite a few of them apparently think the Bill of Rights was meant to diminish our rights.
The latest, not the most ridiculous case, was provided by this Barbara Crabb, a onetime judicial Apple of good old Carter's eye in Texas.
Go, find a copy, and read the Constitution yourself - it was written so that We the People would know what was right and what was wrong without requiring highly educated people to distort the intent. Crabb, perhaps in a cloud of marijuana or crack smoke, decided that the Constitution forbids National Prayer Day. Read and decide for yourselves. Remind yourselves, too, that whoever you elect has the power to appoint political nitwits that don't know a habeas from a corpus, to employ an example from "Miracle on 34th Street."
Why are so many of the execrable judges appointed (Say, why don't We the People get to vote on these choices?) by lunatic presidents? See Soto-what's-her-name and the Harvard dragon mentioned as presently under B.O.'s consideration. Note also, though, that some execrable judges have been appointed by decent presidents. Several have grown loonier with age, which is a good argument for less-than-lifetime terms for these people.

Monday, April 19, 2010


JEWS; that's the operational motto of the New York Times, which remodels, shall we say, its "news" to suit that and other groups. Its latest biased distortions and inaccuracies target the Roman Catholic Church in relation to the sex scandals there.
Perhaps the Times is just smarting from the sinking of the frivolous lawsuit seeking to extort shekels from the Vatican for the suffering of Jews during WW II. (This reminds me of the African American whine for reparations for the evils perpetrated upon their ancestors in slavery days, and I wonder who learned the attempted scam from whom.)
If you wish to read a sensible reply to the New York Times' nonsense try
John Allen's blog, "Keeping the record straight on Benedict and the crisis" at
and "The New York Times and Pope Benedict XVI" at

Friday, April 16, 2010


B.O., on the basis of his vast (half-vast?) experience as a neighborhood organizer and a state senator that, except for baby murder, only voted "present," has decreed that queers are families, too.
It's just a matter of time until he grants that status to a person and an animal and to a person and an inanimate object.
Batter Up!


Bishop Williamson gets a 10,000 euro fine for saying publicly that he does not believe Jews were killed in gas chambers in WW II. His crime was "incitement," found a German court.
If an opinion incites someone, then I'd say it's the someone's fault.
Further, I wonder if riots, looting, and murder followed his comment. The "news" report didn't say.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


In reporting the most recent earthquake - don't tell me, Al Gorp; global warning is doing it - my ISP news headlines referred to the location of the tragedy as "a Tibetan area of western China."
Isn't that odd? Why didn't it just say Tibet? I wondered if possibly it might be because China absorbed Tibet; you know, just assumed, took over and subjugated a sovereign country, and the leftist "news" writing agency doesn't want to reflect that fact. As B.O. does, it prefers to kow tow ans genuflect to Communists.
If any movement in recent times has caused as much ruination, death, and misery as Communism, I can't recall it, and even though it has failed miserably on a global scale, liberals here remain enamored of it and of its corrupt practitioners. One more reason NOT to believe what most "news" sources have to say.

Friday, April 9, 2010


In the sequel kindly read for "children," also yourself if you are a public school student, "grandchildren," "great-grandchildren," or any level of descendant with which you have been blessed.
If your child's school is one where 16 April has managed to have been insinuated as a day of silence to highlight the existence of sexual deviates, then he or she should be withdrawn from class that day. If it means someone in your household misses a day of work, it is worth the sacrifice.
In the first place, you don't want your child indoctrinated that way in school - these days it's impossible to avoid sex deviate propaganda, anyway - any more than you do in the use of condoms. This is E. Germany/Soviet Union-type school brain-washing.
In addition, despite the visual bombardment young people's optics experience every day, speaking and listening remain principal modes of learning, which commodity schools were once known to value and to dispense.
It's a disgusting abuse; parents should protest it loudly and refuse to allow their children to be proselytized.
If a day's classroom work is to be lost, why not lecture students on manners, civility, honesty, respect for life and environment, and other virtues?

Thursday, April 8, 2010


"Taxpayer Tim" Geithner wants a national sales tax to pay for B.O. & Co.'s fantasies. New taxes are coming, too, it appears, to pay for the unjustifiable, anti- global warming charades that will do absolutely ZERO in modifying the climate.

Don't be surprised in the least by this; if you've ever lived in a country where the government controls everything, you know that the price tag for its endless projects and waste runs quite high. Of course, it's no concern to our welfare crowd - you know the obese "poor" with blackberries and meals served at school - but a good many of you will soon find yourselves among the "rich;" i.e., actual, as distinguished from "Taxpayer Tim," people with jobs and who pay taxes. That's the class that will pick up the tab, and the only, minuscule comfort I derive from that reality is that plenty of the loonies that voted for this nightmare will be shelling out the shekels, too.

Friday, April 2, 2010


It's always seemed reasonable to me that if we need more oil, we should drill for it on our own land, and apparently offshore areas are promising. I have seen offshore drilling, in fact, in Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama.
Thus, when B.O. decreed that we should pursue this plan, I thought, "At last; a reasonable idea."
He was swift, however, to keep his record intact and shortly limited this expansive oil-seeking to areas of the country that voted against him lately - most areas of the country did, by the way.
Yes, the good old reliable West Coast, which consumes gigantic quantities of oil and offers practically zero in the way of public transit, remains, thanks to its record of support of lunatic candidates, exempt from this nastiness.
Another star for B.O. the N.O.
P.S. I just noticed that the Commander-in-Chief has determined that, without this abortion of a health care law, the country would be bankrupt. Hmm. The only hints of bankruptcy come from his gazillion dollar spending, and the most likely source of bankruptcy is this medical mess for which he's been bribing congressional poltroons.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


In November, 2008 I voted for him, not because I believed he was the conservative candidate we needed - rather, I thought him the rare, moderate Democrat alive these days - but that he was a decent, honorable man with a decent family and values, decent associates and friends, and generally good intentions. In all these dimensions he eclipsed B.O.
I was later disappointed to read that he had managed his own campaign, for it was ineffably stupid. Instead of coming out swinging and slashing 24/7 at the interminable list of B.O.'s faults, secrets, inexperience, and proven ineptitude, he stood with his finger up his nose like a typical, affirmative action liberal, terrified to criticize and hammer away at a mulatto. He should have been attacking that creep relentlessly, morning to night.
Sarah Palin, with more governing experience than the other three of them combined, was the sole bright spot, but his campaign managed quickly to stifle the optimism she generated. Allowed to be ridiculed by stupid, left-wing television programs and identified by him as probably to be assigned some trivial responsibility in his hypothetical government, she was grossly mishandled, a colossal botch by McCain.
Speaking of television he should have told "Tooth" Letterperson, aka Mr. Fidelity, that he wanted no part of his nescient program. This would have won him more votes than the feeble attempts to conciliate classes of people that would not have voted for him in a millennium. Why are Republicans so mentally challenged in that way? They squander resources every election. They should say, "I know you won't for me, so to hell with you, and I'm glad if my policies offend you." As the old song went, "When will they ever learn?"
Presently I get money-seeking emails from a McCain organization, and I presume this owes to the tough primary fight I hear he faces. To reiterate, I believe that morally he is a genuinely good man - and, unlike many morons that voted for the likes of Klintoon and B.O., I lay considerable emphasis on that - but given an opportunity to vote for a truly conservative opponent, I would certainly snub McCain.


Prominent in the "news" has been that N. England had some heavy rains and flooding. (Did you ever notice that an event of 6.5 on some scale of woe gets lots more attention from our left-wing press if it happens on the east coast - D.C. and above - or on the west coast, than in other places?)
Already the bleat of those affected has been gazetted across the country. "I can't afford no new furnace; the gummint gotta come 'n buy me one!" It's not as pathetic as the Katrina lamentations, but then that was a hurricane.
What I'm wondering is when and how so many of "The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" got to be such simpering wimps. My guess is that it's been a creeping, debilitating condition beginning with the unprecedented welfare wasted on partial blacks, meaning AA's of some proportion.
Observers said, "Hey, they're getting regular handouts; why not us? We want our fair share."
This trend has continued up to the present, when B.O., himself and the Worst Lady raised, trained, and beneficiaries in the psychology of give-away's, is bailing out more interests - and subsequently controlling them, too, if you happened to notice - than the Titanic crew.
Probably it won't be long before China is sending CARE packages to the most vociferous of our whiners.