Thursday, October 29, 2009


Nancy "the Catholic" Pelosi is determined to ram federally funded abortion through the House of Reps. She wants a "closed rule" vote, which would obviate amendments to her health "care" plan. Straight out of the Soviet Union, right?

If you're opposed to dictatorships or to the murder of the unborn, call your congressperson today. I did, and he's voting my way.

Don't they excommunicate heretics anymore? Someone ought to drop kick that louse out of the faith the liar purports to follow.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


A few years back it was a line in a modern-made folk song, but, here, I mean the Republican party.

The way they present candidates I can ALMOST understand why morons voted for a dictatorship when our country was defined and defended in blood.

For two examples consider the RINO senators in the Northeast - likely territory - that have thrown in with baby-murder, euthanasia, free medical rides for illegal scum, and the destruction of Medicare and medical insurance, hard-one by by responsible, working people.

Then, too, we have Scozzafava, a New York - another likely locale - lunatic liberal, supporting abortion and faggot unions, whom Republican congressmen are ballyhooing for the coming election! Vote for Hoffman, a Conservative and a good man, instead.

Wake up, RNC! Your days as a party, especially shot through with Democrats only slightly less rabid than B.O., Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Rangel, Feinstein, and that scurrilous crowd, may be numbered.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Not long ago B.O. and his BADministration assured us there was no sweat about Swine Flu, H1N1. Now, they say it's damned near a national emergency! Where's the vaccine? We don't have enough, etc.!

A European friend just wrote me that her country has purchased 2 inoculations per capita and has started a massive vaccination program.

So what are we in the U.S., chopped liver? B.O and his sycophantic press want to credit him every time there's fair weather someplace, so I guess they should discredit him for another, COLOSSAL SLIP-UP! Hmmm; or is this merely strategy? He wants to murder the unborn and the elderly, so perhaps his Harvard Commie buddies have calculated that letting us die via flu will help accomplish those goal.

To answer an earlier question, yes, we, recently the premiere nation on Earth, are becoming chopped liver. Thanks. again, voters.


Saturday, October 24, 2009


Harvey Milk was a garden variety queer, common as weeds around San Francisco, that got himself in the way of a bullet intened for someone else. Since then, organized queerdom has sought to add him to its martyrology and succeeded to the point where Horrywood made a useless movie about him and then awarded it an Oscar.

Lately, though, I read that California - where else?; well, maybe Massachusetts or another pit - schools will observe a queer day for dear, departed Harv. Take a look at

I would not let a child of mine even approach such an excuse for a school with its program of deviate indoctrination. In fact, I would be parading outside it with a poster of protest.

Parents, how can you be so negligent of your children or so bloody STUPID?


No, no, I don't mean "Wrangler Charlie;" that would be a dude that argues a good deal, a cowboy type, or one that won first in the math tripos over at Cambridge U.

I mean Charlie Rangel, the guy that runs the House Ways 'n Means Committee, Taxation Central, you know, but, who, like most of the B.O. government doesn't pay any taxes himself, hee hee. Keep it up, Charlie, your constituents just LOVE voting for felons - you must feel like Harold Washington or Adam Clayton Powell, right?

Let's just keep electing cheating, low-down creeps like this, OK? We're on the right trail, are we not? I mean, to ruin this country, which appears to be the primary Democratic objective.

Go, Charlie, go and slam dunk the ball of America's ruination every chance you get. Don't you even THINK about resigning over criminal charges; your party NEEDS scrofulous rats like you!

Friday, October 23, 2009


I notice that B.O. and fellow partial black and crackerjack attorney general, Holder, are off to safeguard the users and dispensers of "medical marijuana."

The only ailment mentioned for which the illicit drug was recommended was a stress-related, probably factitious, disorder.

If it's only about feeling nervous and agitated, why not give sufferers a daily pint of booze. This would mitigate, probably eliminate, the effects of stress with a drug that is NOT illegal.

Just one more concession to the liberal loonies, many of them junkies, that voted the destructive clown into office.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


About a month ago I saw an ISP news item about two U of Alabama football players' being cleared to play in some game or other.

The final three sentences in the article addressed a different player on the same team. "Brandon Deaderick probably won't play Saturday. Deaderick was shot in the arm during a robbery attempt. He was released from the hospital Tuesday night."

I believe it is less a commentary on my perception of college team thugs than on the frequency of such reports, that my initial reaction was, "What the heck was he trying to steal?" Later it occurred to me that perhaps the victim was not the felon in the case but had been a bystander. Hanging around the venue of a robbery, a person may not qualify for the adjective "innocent," but who knows?

The main issue was that a "businessman" named Curtis Anderson had given the pair a Gulf Coast fishing trip. What? Is it illegal to give athlete-students gifts? If so, what do their loved ones do at birthdays and Christmas, e.g.? Clearly the NCAA view was that this gift had been a bonus for playing football, an illegal perk, a component of the invisible pay athlete-students earn at professional football factories like Alabama.

The primary focus of the piece was that a highly tolerant NCAA had reinstated them. This absolution was contingent upon the pair's repaying the cost of the excursions. Repayment had been made to charity, and, naturally, we suppose the $ came from their own pockets. :-)

In 25 lines, including report of the shooting, the laughable term "student-athlete" appeared 5 times!

We also read, "The institution reported the violation and declared the s-a's ineligible," and that "the institution required the s-a's to make repayment ... to charity ..." This translates as follows; "Word of the impermissible benefits got out, so the school did a CYA maneuver to try and avoid punishment."

Another interesting bit of information was that the Alabama athletic empire has a "compliance department," meaning that it takes some bureaucrats to make sure no one gets caught. We have also the football coach's own, unimpeachable assurance that "the institution has handled the situation with tremendous professional [one correct word, anyway] integrity."

Get serious, Saban. Does anyone know a school that has been in trouble more often than Alabama? See the P.S. below

Years and years ago I recall they were caught with a 35-year-old guy with NO college eligibility playing for them! More recently, in the Stallings years, they played a guy that had already signed with an agent, and when the NCAA got wind of that, they put a 0-11 record into their books for them for that year, though this data never filtered down to the school's and local newspaper's respective archives. That was another time when, at the breaking of the damaging news, the school immediately convened the faculty athletic committee (the PREMIERE committee, whose members have all been loyalty-tested over the years, whose appointments are made by telephone invitations from the university president, himself, and who are guaranteed to rubber-stamp anything the athletic department wants), tried to broadcast the impression that that group had some control, and said, "Handle this, faculty."

Later than that "flagrante delicto" event there was another slip that got them bowl-ineligible for a number of years. This is cruel punishment, for it cuts into the slush fund resources out of which they pay players and make other invisible arrangements. At Alabama it seems to be fairly accessible knowledge that each of the army of coaches is provided a new car annually by one of the slavering dealers, and rumors are rife that girls from the Dept. of Criminal Justice - a sham major but appropriate in this instance - are regularly hired as whores for the football players. One can only suppose that these little information leaks address only the tip of the iceberg.

Certainly, everyone knows that this institution is far from isolated in malpractice, but I can't think of another place that has been apprehended so frequently. Can you imagine the cheating that goes unnoticed?

The word "university" is derived from "universe." So tragic it is that a noble concept is trampled underfoot by thugs, dissemblers, cheats, and liars. Watching the U.S. star set in the constellation of nations, I wish people of influence would remember what "higher education" is supposed to mean.

P.S. In late-breaking, related news 21 of their coveted victories have been removed by the NCAA for new indiscretions. 201 athletes in 16 sports obtained textbooks disallowed under their scholarships. 22 violaters, 7 footballers among them, obtained supplies for other students. The NCAA described Alabama as having "an abysmal history of infractions" and an "extensive recent history of infraction cases unmatched by any other member institutions in the NCAA." This is quite a testament to an educational institution, isn't it? It must give Criminal Justice lots of material for case studies. Why don't you roll right off the scene, Tide?

Saturday, October 17, 2009


My Internet Service Provider has its HQ's around Baltimore. Been there lately? I wouldn't bother, and is there a more energumen liberal state in the confederation? I can't think of one, but you decide.

At any rate the other day one of the "news" headlines they popped up at me reported that annually 70,000 lives are lost by illegal abortions! This must have addressed, I decided, the murderous, potential mothers, for abortionists would not count the aborted babies as lost lives, would they? No, part of that "culture" is to cajole oneself into construing those lives to be in the class of cysts, warts, and tumors, right?

Looking beyond the headline, I discovered that most of these purported - who believes statistics, nowadays, given the sources of many of them - lost lives are in Africa!

While a life is a life, regardless of the continent, the clear intent of the devious, misleading headline was to persuade nonchalant readers that the B.O./Baucus/other bloodthirsty health care deformers' plans are beneficent!


Friday, October 9, 2009



From Neighborhood Organizer to Peace Prize recipient in a matter of months! Is that meteoric or what?

Personally, I think it was either another case of Affirmative Action welfare or a Socialist committee's seeking to reward one of its own.

I can derive some consolation from the fact that Al Gorp and Smilin' Jimmy Carter were previous winners, but I can't avoid the impression that if B.O. played catch with one of his kids, the baseball writers would name him Most Valuable Player. What a bloody laugh!


Quite recently I looked through the Encyclopedia Britannica to recall the year in which Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, convicted spies and traitors were executed. (If you've also forgotten, it was in 1953 at Sing Sing.)

On the same page - and this highlights a glaring defect, the inability to browse locationally similar items of interest, with research that considers only the web - was an article about another Rosenberg, Alfred. He was born in 1893 in Tallinn, or Reval, Estonia. He, I read, was the ideologist of Nazism, and permit me to quote a passage.

"According to Rosenberg, the Germans descended from a Nordic race that derived its character from its environment: a pure, cold, semi-Arctic continent, now disappeared. The Germans, as representatives of this race, were entitled to dominate Europe. Their enemies were 'Russian Tartars' and 'Semites.' The latter included Jews, the Latin peoples, and Christianity, particularly the Catholic Church. Rosenberg's anti-Semitism and 'Nordic' expansionism gave a certain order and direction to Hitler's own violent prejudices."

Thus, we see that the Nazi concept of "Semitic" embraced far more people than the Jews. They were unable to get their hands on Latinos, so they made do with Jews, Catholics, and, as noted here previously, Gypsies.

It's a fact that they murdered more Catholics than they did Jews, but you're forgiven for not knowing that; the former sub-population has not gazetted that news for 60+ years, constructed monuments and museums in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere to their people so victimized, and bombarded you with Horrywood presenting versions of the tragic events.

Still, that's the way it was folks - believe it.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Whoever would have believed that a career as a neighborhood organizer and voting "present" in the Illinois senate fostered such expertise in a guy? Hardly a day passes that Curious George doesn't poke his nose - at least his tongue - into some new corner of his knowledge deficit.

Now he's decided that the remedy for declining test scores and the production of dumbbells in our public schools is MORE school days and LONGER ones! This is about as brilliant as the usual federal approach to "improving" education, which is to spend MORE money on doing the wrong things. The feds know all about MORE, but they don't know beans about BETTER.

For openers, it wouldn't cost any more or require longer periods of schooling to cease this "feel well about yourselves, self-esteem" crap and DEMAND certain levels of achievement. Don't achieve? Well, then maybe you're a child left behind - at least for a year or two - until you get yourself motivated to work, and just maybe for some of you, your best is not good enough - you don't have what it takes. Stop making excuses for blockheads! SINK OR SWIM! Believe it or not, once upon a time, that's the way schools worked, and look at them now.


If you were a voter so deluded or stupid to believe B.O.'s patent, campaign lies about not wanting federal $ to fund baby-murder, check out the National Right to Life Committee's newsletter, "Democrat leaders keep abortion in health care bills," of 30 September at

You needed accept what that message says; just follow its links to learn from official, objective sources what's happening in Congress.

The energumen Democrats fight tooth and nail for the federally - meaning our tax money - subsidized murder of the unborn. When did Democrats become so bloodthirsty? They would also vote to try and FORCE institutions and individuals to participate in the bloodbath.

No great exemplar of righteousness, I nevertheless certainly would NOT like to die with those credentials on my soul. Would you like to die as someone that helped elect a mass murderer? Lots of people will.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


In scholastic parlance a letterman is an individual (maybe today "letterperson" is proper, or is that a job at the post office?) that has done well enough in some sport to be awarded a fuzzy letter that represents his school and which may be worn on a jacket; e.g., a "B" for Brown or a "C" for Centerville High School. (Believe it or not, there are educational institutions that give letters for academic performance, but primarily this is reserved for athlete-students, another component in this country's inexorable decline.)

However, the letterman named David, "The Dentist's Delight," is quite another matter. If there were a letter granted for proficiency in sniping at decent people from a position unassailable to the snipees and for broadcasting sleaze, particularly of the east coast variety, he (or his writers) would get one. Possibly - probably, even, since this is a sub-community of Horrywood - there is an Emmy for that aptitude, but I don't know.

At any rate the cowardly - back home we used to say chicken-shit - sniper done been sniped! He done been caught in the act of screwing - pardon a colloquialism - some of his employees! It is a sign of our obscene times that the "news" source, Yahoo (see J. Swift), in this case, found it informative to apply the adjective "female" to those violated.

I would guess a subservient's job would be the only explanation for a woman's willingly submitting to "Fang," but there it is.

Who, among Letterperson's Republican targets of the last election are guilty of any demonstrable moral wrong-doing? None that I know; they were all decent people. Here we have Letterperson, however, with his out-of-wedlock child and employee conquests, prattling on and railing against decent people.

It is a further sign of our declension that this particular "news" source said nary a critical word about Letterperson's adventures and immorality; just about the informer that sought to blackmail the creep.

Did Letterperson influence you to vote for B.O.? Careful now; I hope your vote was more substantial than to be influenced by an immoral, funny-looking, two-faced clown.


I selected that subject line at the risk of connecting something religious to government (especially this BADministration), the prohibition of which relationship is a popular misinterpretation of the Bill of Rights.

What I mean, though, is that B.O. and crew are making desperate bids to sell their abortion/health rationing/illegal alien care/destruction of Medicare/ruination of our hard-earned, good benefits plans on us.

The latest claim attributed to the Neighborhood Organizer is that job growth is linked to the adoption of the above scheme! What next? Perhaps the salvation of our souls is also dependent upon his rotten plan - oops, there I did it again.