Saturday, April 4, 2009


**Friends, I don't usually recycle information here, but a reader passed the following item, along with permission to use it, to me.**

Debating an A.C.L.U. opponent 40 years ago, William Buckley quipped, “Why you defend more rights than the Constitution.” Over the years Mr. Buckley’s dismay must have burgeoned with bleats about welfare rights, reproductive rights, immigration rights, and homosexual rights.

Montana is marching in the Parade of Rights, too, with a constitution purporting to guarantee rights to privacy and dignity. In seeking to promote vague abstractions into the rank of rights, it allowed a Judge McCarter to favor the state with a very original piece of bench legislation, a law-making methodology undisclosed to us in Civics class.

With logic as impeachable as she is, the Judge reasoned that due to our right to dignity, physician – assisted suicide must be lawful, because how can one kill himself in a dignified manner without the trained hand of someone that took an oath to save lives? Anyone that thought law was mainly common sense can now abandon that position.

Look around, friends; we don’t have any Jefferson’s or Madison’s among our statespersons. Our statespersons cheat on their income taxes, wink at their marriage vows, solicit sex in men’s latrines, barter their souls and ours for campaign donations, and count among their buddies and mentors people that damn America and boast about their terrorist attacks on it. Let’s stick to the U.S. Constitution, all right? Real, dedicated Americans wrote it.

I’d like to add a pair of concluding remarks. First, the term “physician-assisted suicide” is a self-contradictory term, like “same sex marriage” invented to lend a patina of validity to a bogus concept. In this case the meaning of the Latin “sui” Is violated.

Lastly I want to mention Pope John Paul II. By his many brave examples he taught us how to live with dignity, and, when the time came, how to die with it. He met Death on its own terms, and Judge McCarter should observe how he defined “dignity” for her.

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