Saturday, March 28, 2009


Have you noticed that, even with our country’s various crises, B.O. is, in one clear way, adhering to his pledge of change a’ plenty?

Any sensible president of my recollection would be huddling with his expert advisors and devising schemes for improvement. It is, indeed, a change, then, that B.O. leaves the schemes, if any, to others and takes to his specialty, the highly accommodating and cooperative media. He’s on the Tonight Show, he’s being “buoyed by adoring crowds” in – where else but California? – as one bigoted “news” source put it. In other words, B.O. is out grinning and broadcasting to the gullible that what those unknown experts are doing is just fine. The gullible, being the conies that voted for him, believe he’s right on the money. After all, the media say so, right?

As the ultimate Christian, Rev. Wright, would shout, Hallelujah!

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