Friday, March 6, 2009


The S. California Cesspool of Morality (San Fran holds that position for the North), the Horrywood Commune, has again convened solemnly to honor lofty achievement – each other’s – in cinematic arts and sciences.

Exhibiting stability in an unstable world Horrywood cast out two of its most reliable anchors, Faggots and Jews.

Harvey Milk, a sublunary queer in San Francisco, where that breed is practically a majority, got himself in the way of bullets launched by a disgruntled ex-municipal employee and expired. Always over-dramatic, Horrywood saw this as Harv’s martyrdom to Faggotdom, made a film about him, then rewarded the Commune member that had portrayed their hero fairy.

An award also went to a player in the 10,000,000th HOLOCAUST-RELATED FILM, whatever it was. Most groups that have suffered crushing defeats or atrocities want to forget them, but not Jews, who control Horrywood, and for whom the nightmares of WW II are a guaranteed free ride from the USA, not to mention a reservoir of pity sufficiently large to quench any antipathy over their continued abuses and excesses.

Mel Gibson’s father said that a good many of the lamented 6,000,000 were sitting in restaurants in New York City, but whatever the number, consider that Ho Chi Minh, Joe Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, and Chou En Lai each murdered in the millions of human beings.

Where the hell are Horrywood movies about Commie mass murderers? Have you ever seen one? Does the answer suggest that Horrywood has a soft spot for Communism? Hmm. Has anyone ever suggested that before? Communism has been a remarkable, world-wide failure, not to mention a cause of misery, poverty, destruction, and tens of millions of murders. Where but in a moral cesspool would deeds of that enormity be applauded or go undocumented?

Consider also that Hitler annihilated more Christians than he did Jews, and ask yourself why you pay even a modicum of attention to anything that Horrywood says or does.

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