Friday, February 27, 2009


On the 12th of February, in a medical waiting room, the CNN commentary mistakenly called “news” was perpetrated upon me. This was a by-product of inefficiency or of poor scheduling by the medical industry, and while I could avert my eyes, I had neglected to bring ear plugs or muffs.

CNN made as big a production of what it jocularly called Lincoln’s Legacy as the Met Opera does with Lohengrin. Had that, in fact, been the substance of the extravaganza, I would have no comment. Mr. Lincoln was a brilliant, wise leader that preserved this country and piloted it through the gravest crisis ever to threaten it. (That is, at least up to the election of an incompetent, devious, leftist noodnik to its presidency.)

However, CNN “news” merely used it as a platform to flaunt B.O., our first mulatto president. Aside from both men’s living for a time in Illinois, I see no similarity, whatsoever, between them; not in credentials, not in philosophy, not in means of action, and not in honesty.

The only palpable connection is that Lincoln emancipated slaves (He said plainly, strongly, and dozens of times that he was NOT fighting the war over slaves.) and that B.O. is a mulatto. Even then, though, the relationship is tenuous, for B.O.’s African father was never a slave. I would say that, overall, B.O. is about as much like Abe Lincoln as a pea is, a blue whale.

I believe the explanation is that the media, so erotic about B.O. and the agency that propelled him into the White House, must now try and persuade us, and perhaps themselves, that they did a correct thing. Sorry, Yves Chauvire is not persuaded

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