Friday, April 24, 2009


You may have noticed that our sorry excuse for a head of state, in concert with his left-wing legislature and advisors, is doing his damnedest to destroy the Bill of Rights. The latest attack, spearheaded by Homeland Security, every day sounding more like the Geheime Staats Polizei, and the lunatic Communists in the House, is on the First Amendment. These latter want to quench your right to express your sentiments by passing a law against it. Better look up your representative and make clear the obvious; viz., that this hate-crime legislation is a crock of horse shit. Meanwhile, H.S. seeks to label dissent with B.O.’s ill-begotten whims as “extremism.”

Are you unsympathetic towards queers? Well, damn you, you’re hate-oriented and extreme! Outspoken about the murder od unborn children? You’re a hate-oriented extremist, did you know? Had a belly full of being overrun by illegal aliens’ spoliation of the country. Sorry, you’re hate-oriented, too. It’s the same tactic that has served whining minorities for years; equate any well-reasoned criticism to hate. No one wants to be known for hatred, so criticism will be deracinated. Given leave, B.O. and his Gestapo gang would legislate your freedom of expression out of existence. The “thought crime” of 1984 is just around the corner.

For the moment, at least, a sane majority prevails in the Supreme Court, but 1 out of 3 braches of government is not a percentage to inspire confidence.

If you were one of the coney majority last November, are you pleased at watching your freedoms erode? The best you could do for 2010 is to get out on election day and cause some amends to the damage you’ve done.

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