Friday, April 24, 2009


Lately, when a friendly postal clerk apprised me of the approaching rate increase, I said, “When the price of oil goes up, rates increase; when the price of oil falls, rates increase. What’s going on?”

“With the bad economy, people aren’t using the mail so much; they’re losing money,” she answered.

This view was corroborated by official Postal Nazi announcements of bad conditions, possible elimination of a day’s “service” each week, concatenation of carriers’ routes, etc., with the encouraging qualification, FEAR NOT, AMERICA; NO POSTAL EMPLOYEE WILL LOSE HIS/HER/ITS JOB!

Notice that in aforementioned bad times, when XYZ Corp. (fill in GM, Citibank, you name it) is having trouble, the first notice always includes “XYZ cuts n (fill in 1, 2, 10, you name it) thousand jobs.”

How does one explain that not only does the Postal “Service” avoid elimination positions, it raises our rates to preserve those that sensible, private companies would scotch? The easy answer follows.

Naturally, the Feds have several OFFICIAL bureaus of welfare, but every agency, department, office, you name it, is chock full of welfare recipients, incapable blockheads that hold high-paying, unneeded jobs because your tax rip-offs subsidize them.

Being cautious to avoid assault or murder, take a trip to Washington, DC, walk into the buildings, and have a look at what’s running YOUR government.

The dumbest of the liberals whine about the Defense Department budget, but so much of it is wasted on welfare/affirmative action hires, it’s a wonder we’ve GOT a defense. They hire the asymptotically deaf to answer phones and illiterates to work as secretaries or, more grandly, administrative assistants. Highly-educated professionals must do their own word-processing and photocopying, while the nominal secretaries send e-memo’s, make personal phone calls, eat high-calorie meals and snacks, and take coffee and cigarette breaks. Some of the affirmative action hires have nothing more to do than open outgoing mail to be sure it’s not personal.

I’ve spent many hours in those buildings and am confident you will find that much of this nasty, Gordian tangle of federal government, which, despite campaign lies, only burgeons is unadulterated welfare.

Why not try and do something about these continuous abuses. Get the feather-bedding, superfluous, unproductive – if not detrimental – creeps off our payrolls.

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