Sunday, November 30, 2008


Organized Queerdom, O.Q., agitates militantly for more research spending towards an AIDS cure. They resemble advocates for over-the-counter abortions and feticides; irresponsible people that crave remedies to fill the vacancies where their will powers, morals, and sense should be.

If you’ve been around Washington, D.C. you might have been disgusted by O.Q.’s marching and flaunting its AIDS quilt with a patch, supposedly (or is it like the six million?), for each fatality from it. If there were a breast cancer quilt it would cover the entire Capital, not just some grass on the Mall.

AIDS rightly has been called the world’s most preventable disease, and here’s how to avoid it.

1. Don’t use another person’s hypodermic needle.
2. Don’t accept/present a penis from/to a person or monkey that might have it.

Is that straightforward or not? Does it take more than a one-digit IQ to understand them?

The United States and Billionaire Gates squander boxcars of money on the so-called AIDS epidemic in Africa, whereas the only explanations possible for the ongoing problem there are irreversible stupidity or complete immorality. How many times must a person be told the simple rules for avoidance?

Is it any different in this country? The only two explanations for the continuation of the disease are the same as for Africa or anywhere else. As we must have learned from about a trillion unsuccessful projects in this country, spending money on the irreversibly stupid does not enlighten them, nor does tossing it at those without morals deliver them that commodity. Much of all the welfare throw-away falls exactly into those categories. Therefore, to hell with spending money and expertise attempting to find a cure for the trivially preventable. Let’s divert those research funds to a more worthy objective.

Consider the myriad, devastating diseases, often with tongue-twisting names – let abracadabritis = ACB denote any one of these. Two conditions will be true of it.
(a) A SWAG (Scientific Wild-Ass Guess) is as close as anyone can come to its aetilogy.
(b) No one has even much of a SWAG about what might assuage its symptoms, let alone cause them.

ACB comes out of the blue, ravages anyone from a baby to a senior citizen, ruins his life, possibly kills him, and not enough research money is devoted to ACB even to help someone with it.

Let’s start working to cure innocent disease victims that merit help and write off the morons and wantons.

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