Thursday, November 13, 2008


The 141-day wonder, B.O. by name and President-elect by decree of the majority of our population voting in the recent election, has begun making his predicted and predictable rumblings.

STEM CELL RESEARCH! Let’s murder some babies so that people that have had good lives might, far from certainly, have a little more. Christopher Reeve, tragic poster-boy for this thrust, was an idolized millionaire, had a terrible accident and a miserable road to death. We notice, though, that he clung tenaciously even to the life apportioned him. Apparently, he favored that life more than he longed for an end to it. Would you rather have had his existence or that of a helpless, blind, living, breathing little creature murdered surgically or chemically and tossed into a wastebasket or a research lab? Would you like to be one of those abortion-surviving babies subject to experiments while still alive? If you voted for B.O. there’s just one way to infer your answers.

Do you take comfort that your vote spelled certain death for LIVING persons that, permitted the INALIENABLE RIGHT to LIFE, may have grown up to improve life a thousand-fold for all the people? B.O. voters that bandy about the word “right” should think carefully about that.

If you have the heart and the stomach for it, look at for some graphic illustrations of the procedures your boy, along with “Catholics” like Pelosi, Kerry, and Biden, champions.

EASE OF ABORTIONS ABROAD! On this front, too, B.O. will executive-order lots of death, he promises. Need I say more?

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