Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Several days ago I read on Yahoo or another coastal, revolutionary webtrashpage that B.O. is quite relaxed when speaking on the topic of race. What a revelation! Well he might be, for race is the ONE and ONLY attribute that propelled him into the White House! Bereft of that ½ blessing the guy would probably be, through Affirmative Action, merely another of our jillion or so pettifoggers. Totally deprived of AA that particular AA might be riding on the backs of garbage trucks!

I was instantly reminded of a magazine cover, picturing semi-actor Danny Glover above a quotation along the lines of, “Every day of my life, I realize what it is to be black.” Oh, poor Danny Boy! If you weren’t, no one ever would have heard of you. You’d probably be repainting cars, completing tax forms for H & R Block, teaching something in some sort of school, mowing lawns, working for the BLM, HUD, the DoD, retired, drawing unemployment, or holding down another sublunary job like the majority of us never splashed on magazine covers.

You and B.O. have reaped valuable harvests from the curse of being non-white. The difference is that when you turn in a bad or mediocre performance, who cares? You’ve done it repeatedly without loss of income or status. With B.O. at our helm, though, you and I might be out raking through the rubble of what were once our shares of a great country.

Truly, I’ve had a belly full of Affirmative Action and watching incompetents soar above their talents then bungle their jobs, while we’re supposed to be content that they feel well about themselves and are doing “their bests.” However, the voters, such as they are, have spoken or, at least, attorned to the likes of Yahoo, Public Television, and Oprah Winfrey.

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