Thursday, October 23, 2008


When I first learned that B..O.’s friend, B.A., Bill “the Bomber” Ayers, was on the faculty at the University of Illinois – Chicago, I was amazed that it had taken B.O.’s candidacy to popularize the fact and that our objective and industrious press had failed to broadcast it long before. Immediately, then, I began wondering what had become of all Bill’s COMRADES in arms, the flag- and building-burners, bomb manufacturers, saboteur wanna-be’s, filthy speech revolutionaries, campus rioters, junkies, and other vermin of his time. If Bill had bubbled up into the frothy cream of education (OK, U of I – C is not stellar, it’s even a long mark from the best in that city, but it’s academically reputable), what about the rest of the infestation?

Do you suppose any of yourselves, your children, your grandchildren were or are being instructed by that dreadful crew? What kinds of gems do you suppose Bill the Bomber has passed along to his students?

This is not to advocate your charging out to demand background checks for all the teachers of you and yours – though it would probably be a good idea. No, for those of you with descendants still in school, I recommend your monitoring closely just what they’re being taught. Hopefully, you already do that. Don’t take for granted that because government has its thumb in that pie, too, everything is A-OK. Discuss the material with the students and find out just what is being inculcated upon them, and I don’t restrict that to the textbooks’ being used. Further, you should discover where the teachers were students and in what their degrees are. You check into your physicians’, attorneys’, and dentists’ credentials, don’t you? Are your descendants’ educations of lesser importance?

Not all the crazies of Bill’s days are still street people. Where did they all go?

Hmm. Now I’m wondering just how many drifted into news reportage.


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