Wednesday, October 22, 2008



From the visible aspects of his military career I thought Colin Powell intelligent and capable. The same seemed to be true of him as Secretary of State, though not since Richard Nixon has a president given one of those much to do. Therefore, it’s not obvious if Powell was good at that job, but he looked respectably in the position.

Therefore, what’s happened to him? Like most statements in support of B.O., his are nonsense remarks, worth less than the sums of the individual words.

First, he likes B.O., because he’s a “transformational figure.” Hmm. I guess that’s what Hitler, Stalin, Ho, Chou, Pot, Khomeini, and Mao were; they managed to TRANSFORM reasonably good countries into epitomes of hell. Talk about CHANGE, folks! Now, those fellows were among the greatest agents of change the world has ever seen, and every bit of it was not just bad, it was horrific. Is that what Powell admires; the potential for disaster?

Secondly, he claims not to approve the directions in which the GOP is moving. This is equally absurd. By all indications it is moving towards doing constructive things for the economy; protecting the LIVES (yes, they’re alive, and SCIENCE proves it) of the unborn; trying to guard us and others from terrorists; advocating traditional – and correct – concepts of family and marriage; maintaining a strong defense, adhering to the Bill of Rights … What’s there to disapprove? I admit these are not the directions endorsed at Hollywood and Vine, Berkeley, Columbia U. or by Ayers, Farrakhan, Wright, and similar patriots, such as the heads of state of Iran, Russia, and Venezuela.

It’s eye-opening and HIGHLY disappointing to see that Powell has sunk into that muck, which explains the title of this piece.

Has he, though? The day after his proclamation he was vaulted into the provisional, revolutionary government by B.O. himself. Was it, then, that Powell was merely panhandling for a job?

Another possibility, and there are other signals of it, is that the election is being transformed into a matter of race!

Q: Who’s doing that?
A: The Democrats

Q: What’s that called?
A: Racism

Conclusion: However you cut it, Colin Powell’s endorsement isn’t worth a farthing.

Recommendation: Vote AGAINST racists and FOR decent, healthy directions; i.e., FOR Sarah Palin and John McCain. THEY ARE DECENT PEOPLE.

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