Tuesday, October 14, 2008


On the National Archives Building, where the declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and other critical documents – as yet, one can’t punch “2” for Spanish versions – are housed, the sentence ends


For the present and for November, 2008, I should like to propose that

“A FAIR ELECTION” is also a pertinent object of the preposition.

Among other maneuvers, ACORN, B.O.’s Sturmabteilung of vote fraud, has already been caught in the act, and I believe, as one hears in the opening of “Showboat,” this is “Only the beginning, folks; only the beginning.”

The Democrats are old pro’s at stealing elections. The presidential one of 1960 saw an unprecedented number of reports of “voting irregularities,” and, not surprisingly, many were in states with large numbers of electoral votes, which, not surprisingly, Kennedy won. One was Illinois, where the father of Chicago’s present mayor ruled for years and boasted of his ability to “deliver the vote.” Irishman Richard J. Daley had an inveterate love affair with the Kennedy Klan, important in Chicago. (Read up on R. Sargent Shriver, a member of that nobility.) Around that city jokes about whole cemeteries’ voting and one man- twelve votes got laughs, but the implication of the corruption of a democratic (small “d”) process is not amusing.

Another hotspot of voting oddities that year was Texas, from which the President-in-waiting ruled the Senate.

Yes, in my view the Demo’s swiped that close election, and it also led to Richard Nixon’s downfall. There he was, about as certain to clobber whining McGovern as B.O is to change his mind tomorrow, when his guys are burgling those Watergate offices! Why on Earth? In my opinion, because he feared more Demo Dirty Election Tricks.

More recently we had the paper punch – “deus ex voting machina” ploy the Demo’s attempted in Florida. Fortunately for us, there were sane courts to trample their enurectic, factitious plaints into the dirt.

At any rate, Kennedy’s political offspring are champing at this election bit, believe me.

My recommendation to the Republicans, then, is to be certain you have IDEOLOGICAL, not just NOMINAL, representatives of your party close to where every would-be voter identifies himself, every voter votes, every vote is tabulated, and every conceivable place there might be tampering with people or their votes. Watch like hawks, and if there’s a hint of chicanery, CHALLENGE, BLOW THE WHISTLE, STAND UP FOR A FAIR ELECTION!
If you allow this one to proceed as in Mugabe-land, we may well end up with another Mugabe.

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