Monday, April 29, 2013


A friend thought it odd that her third-grade son never had homework assignments and asked the teacher about it. That woman answered, “Some parents are not willing or qualified to help their kids with homework, so it wouldn’t be fair to those children to demand it.”

What? How can such a benighted ass become a teacher, or does the transformation into one come with experience? (Possibly she was just lying; possibly she’s just too lazy to do the work for which she’s paid and from which her union insulates her. I don’t want to accuse her doubly so shall assume she’s a truthful, benighted ass, as are many in her profession.)

What the hell is the purpose of homework? The hours of it through which I struggled, I understood, were to reinforce what I’d learned in class, as well as, importantly, to lead me to discover and absorb valuable extensions of that material and furhtwer applications of it. This booby, on the other hand, diminishes the education of all by her fatuous notions of fairness. I should also mention that my poorly educated parents had no clue as to what homework I was given or to the subject matter of most of my courses. Had I relied upon them, I'd still be in the third grade.

Do you suppose Mr. Jefferson, more intelligent than another dozen people combined, thought we are all equal? Of course not. He was superior to 99+% of his countrymen, except in the one way he noted. Read it again – or did your teachers neglect to cover the Declaration?

It is clear from his writing that he considered us equal WITH RESPECT TO THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS WITH WHICH OUR CREATOR ENDOWED US – nothing more. We’re NOT equal in other respects, so stop playing Let’s Pretend and lowering us all by the fallacious idea that we are. (Incidentally, the right to life was one of those rights, routinely denied millions of butchered babies.)

By the way, the man deferring to his Creator is the one whose recommending “a wall of separation between Church and State,” a good idea, has been misinterpreted so cosmically and intentionally as to cow people into erroneously supposing that the mention of Christmas, Easter, or God inside a school is a violation of law. Parents, don’t be that stupid! Know you rights – before the Democrats sabotage them.

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