Monday, April 22, 2013


Before 9-11 the Russians warned us that they thought something big was in the planning, but our excuse for national security was too inept or too unconcerned to catch it. A couple of years ago, it turns out, the Russians told us that one of the Boston murderers had terrorist connections. Why wasn't he watched? Why was he allowed the latitude to carry out his massacre? Intentionally we throw open our borders to every species of scum on earth, and once arrived we proceed to ignore what the scum are doing.  Whatever became of government FOR the people?

Continuing on the topic of security, I have heard sufficient airport announcements about the menace of unattended baggage and, in fact, have more than once pointed out to airline personnel instances of same. Why on earth would the poor man that saw one of the murderers set down a bag at his feet, look at him, and walk away NOT have alerted the crowd by screaming "BOMB!" at the top of his lungs and scattering the spectators from the site? He paid with his legs and many other people's limbs and lives for this carelessness.

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