Thursday, April 18, 2013


On 16 April 1794 Marguerite Robin and Marie Forestier, later beatified by the Catholic Church, along with 9 other women, were shot to death by the maniacal Jacobins in France.

Following were their offenses: refusing to attend Masses said by apostate priests that had taken the anti-papal oath; speaking out against such priests; watching religious processions; and Marie's having a brother in the anti-Jacobin resistance.

For these trivia they were denounced as "fanatics" and murdered, as were many other religious and Catholic lay people.

The B.O. regime as yet hasn't commenced executing Christians, but have you not heard them officially slandered as being "fanatical" and belonging to "hate groups?" No? I have.

Is Christianity not under attack here? Shall we suffer our own Reign of Terror?

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