Saturday, December 10, 2011


Remeber when Mao got the Cultural Revolution rolling and expanded it to tear down his own country and refashion it according to some deranged, Commie model? I see some parallels between that period and our own mulatto Mao supporting the Occupy Wall Street rabble in order to facilitate his wealth-redistribution dreams and force his own deranged, Commie model on us. Isn't that the purpose of the unwashed, flag-desecrating ciphers' wanting to destroy American business? B.O. would be ecstatic if there were no provate business and only GOVERNMENT, and what a vipers' tangle that already is.

Did you notice that lately a baseball player signed a contract for over A QUARTER BILLION DOLLARS???!!! Talk about Carl Sagan salaries!

Just imagine how many welfare babies that sum would allow to be conceived, be born and raised, fed, clothed, and sent out to mother and father generations like them.

Just imagine how many gallons of booze and packs of cigarettes a quarter of a billion $ of food stamps would fetch after suitable exchanges.

Just imagine how many doomed solar projects could kick back money into Democrat campaign slush funds.

Just imagine how many cheap home loans and loans to students for getting degrees in vital disciplines like Psychology, Physical Education, and African-American and Women's Studies could be defaulted.

Enough is enough! I say OCCUPY THE DUGOUTS!!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011


Isn't that the recommended treatment for a low-down scurrilous cur that flagrantly violates his oath of office?

Wasn't Fast and Furious aimed at undermining and circumventing the Constitution, a document he pledged to defend?

Wasn't what he engineered an illegal, scrofulous charade to hoodwink America and the world? Isn't it grinning-like-an-ape B.O. and the Harvard puppeteers that hand him his orders?

Best of all, impeach the whole, lousy lot of them, including the tax-evaders in the Cabinet.

Primarily, however, affirmative action hire Holder has engineered the deaths of numerous Mexican nationals and at least one u.S. border guard.

Let's kick his semi-African ass out of government and into the nearest, uncomfortable jail.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Naturally, he's a Democrat, which is a strong reason for my claim, but here's something he said that labels him a born loser. Regarding B.O., I heard his him begin a sentence, "Well, he's a nice guy, but ..."

This is precisely why B.O. must be defeated; HE IS ***NOT*** A NICE GUY. He's rampantly in favor of murdering babies, he despises his own country (Well, maybe he's not a real citizen, but pretend), he has been proven a liar about his connections in Corruptville on Lake Michigan, he hangs out with admitted domestic terrorists and other America-haters, he attacks the Constitution about twice daily, he's out to ruin medical care, and he'd love to plunge us into a Socialist/Communist pit.

Are those sufficient proofs? HE IS ***NOT*** A NICE GUY, and if the Republicans have not outgrown the stupid notion that by being congenial and friendly, that lunatic liberals will vote for them, they will certainly lose. They must come out slugging day and night and blast Curious George on all the grounds where he is conspicuously NOT NICE!!!!. Being incapable and unqualified are additional points.


I mean as far as this electorate is concerned. I deplore his infidelities, but surely American voters would not care less. After all, knowing that he engaged actively in extra-marital games, the American people elected Klintoon, not once, but TWICE! Rememebr, too, that despite his scrofulous life, how overwhelmingly popular was Toad Kennedy with his eelctorate.

Our country is fast losing any sort of standards of decency and is well-known for electing former criminals and moral decadents.

C'mon back, Herman; they won't mind.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Check out this quotation I just saw in some web sports news. The guy is a former student-athlete on some campus that should be blown sky-high.

It will also be an incisive commentary as to how athletic scholarships "give a boy a chance for a college education." My ***!

"We're undisciplined. Undisciplined. Undisciplined,” Lions center Dominic Raiola(notes) said, according to Anwar Richardson of “We (expletive) it up. It's very disheartening to do this (expletive) in big games. We got to clean it up. We ain't going to win (expletive) games like this if you play like that.”

I'm happy that the regular amateur :-) college football season is over, so that the student-athletes can hustle back to their student unions and hit those books in time for the finals in Playground Management, Organizing Your Checkbook, African-American Scientists (a short course), and the like.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


When Lyndon Johnson was President he fought various domestic wars, one of them The War on Poverty. "War" meant spending huge (by B.O.'s standards, actually modest)sums of money to eradicate it. Apparently it wasn't a victory, for the U.S. government, the largest and lately the least reliable source of info in the world, tells us that 16% of our population is in poverty. By their definition, owning Blackberries, cars, affording cigarettes, booze, and illegal drugs, and being grossly overweight doesn't disqualify a person, but, according to them, the War on Poverty was flubbed. Johnson also fought, with our money, a War on Crime, and we can all confirm how well that went.

Not to be outdone, B.O. also fights domestic wars, though he doesn't name them. I've noticed the War on Arizona, the War of Alabama, the War on the Border Patrol, the War on Secure Borders, the War on the Constitution, the War on Health Care, the War on Education, and the War on the Second Amendment.

I'm hoping he succeeds as well as Johnson.


The Costco Corporation publishes The Costco Connection, a magazine for its members. On the cover of vol. 26, no. 10, October, 2011 are a trio of Kennedys: a blurred John F. in the background, a youthful Jacqueline, also in black and white in the middle, and billionaire daughter Caroline in color in the foreground.

The issue is ballyhooing a book by the billionaire about the Camelot family adapted from Jacqueline’s own observations. The caption beneath semi-beautiful Caroline’s picture says “Caroline Kennedy – keeping the flame.” In large letters above her one reads “A gift of history - Jacqueline Kennedy in her own word.”

Liberals – Costco is HQ’d in Seattle, so draw your own conclusions – never tire of cramming this family up and down our alimentary canals as some sort of archetypal group to be venerated, better, worshipped. It’s a rallying point for liberals, especially those that rely on the likes of the New Dorker and the New Dork Times for (distorted, concealed) information.

During his reign (He sought to certify his nobility by paying to have his own royal, Irish arms invented, so “reign” is not inappropriate.) John, the womanizing son of a womanizing bootlegger – how’s that for royalty – ran sluts in through the White House back door, while Queen Jackie was tooling around with Onassis on one or another of his yachts. The press did its best to royalize her, too, but among the truths it concealed was that her step-father’s main achievement was amassing a huge collection of pornography.

These are flames worth preserving, all right, and the queen’s words are a valuable gift.