Saturday, November 27, 2010


In 1926 Dartmouth College was invited to play in the Rose Bowl. In declining, its President said something to the effect of, "As it is, too much of the academic year is wasted on football, and I won't approve wasting more of it."

Consequently, the University of Alabama, unworried, even at this date, about academics (The NCAA recently called Alabama's record of rule compliance "abysmal" and says it is "the very worst" in this aspect.), was then invited, accepted, won, and backed into one of the "national championships" about which it is so proud.

Notice the difference in college presidential thought today; those of Boise State and Ohio State are squabbling about which team plays the tougher football schedule! Another reason our country, like the sun, sinks slowly into the West.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


"We don't got none," say the economic lights, some of whom even may have paid taxes, of the BADministration. Yet, a friend in Minnesota tells me he has notice of an election to decide whether or not to increase the property tax gouge. The issue is schools, you know, and the county-administering geniuses want to increase the per-student expenditure by SIXTY (60) PERCENT!

Wow! What will he be subsidizing; new sports buses. a golf coach, hot dinners served to students in the after-school day care center, pregnancy counseling to the A+ girls in the sex education classes? The sky's the limit in U.S.A. "education," of course.

However they waste the dough, though, observe the reason for the notice


But we don't got none - witness the denial of a C.O.L.A. to social security recipients for that very reason - so who be lyin' this time?

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I’m speaking of myself, though in the past tense. Yes, in elementary school I was fat, consequently not very fast, and in kid games and running races, I was often a child left behind. This bothered me, but, of course, no one else repined.

Inside the school, on the other hand, the tables were turned, and I could think circles around those that ran circles around me. No one paid much attention to that, either; just as some could run faster, others could think faster – there were individual differences.

People would have laughed at the idea of spending extra school budget to teach me to run faster, just as they would have at the notion of trying to improve slow thinking via extra expenditure. (Incidentally, in those days there WERE children left behind in the contemporary connotation of the phrase; they failed grades and to go through them again.)

Some things don’t change in time; today, my natural lack of velocity would attract neither attention nor investment. When it comes to groups, however, there is COSMIC concern over inferior academic performance. That’s all today’s program, No Child Left Behind, is, a massive money throw-away to be damned sure that everyone in any of 40-odd groups, defined according to race, nationality, who knows what-all, perhaps blood type, gets money, money, and more money spent on him or her to guarantee factitious sense of equality.

Wouldn’t it be helpful and economical to quit playing Let’s Pretend? No one doubts, by massive evidence of observation, that, on average, African types run faster and jump higher than whites; it seems to be a natural difference. At the same time, no sane observer would dispute, on the massive evidence of observation, that whites, on average, outperform African types intellectually. If standardized tests aren’t enough for you, just look around – not at the fantasy world Horrywood seeks to fabricate, but as to whom is doing what and how well in the 3-D world you experience.

I’m not in the least humiliated that the average African of my age and sex can outrun and outjump me, nor that the result applies across the general population, so why should any African in my category feel disgraced that I can outthink him? They are natural differences, SO STOP BANKRUPTING US IN CHASING YOUR UNREALIZABLE PIPE DREAMS!!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010



In the second letter St. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, chapter 3, verse 11, he said,


Now, why on Earth don't we apply this simple rule to the welfare slobs, by whom I mmean the able-bodied that lie aronud like parasites and live off people that work for a living.

St. Paul always had the common good in mind, so let's remember his advice. I am sure there would be a great whirlwind of ambition and industry among the crowd I addressed.

What do you think?


Yes, it's occurred again. Rangel, Harlem's Corruption and Cheating Champion not only won perpetual re-election but did it by a MUDslide - I mean landslide.

Whjt is it about partial black ( < or = 100% African) voters that makes the obviouly guilty and the conspicuously deplorable so popular with them? Anyone so old as to remember Adam Clayton Powell, jr.? Are they congenitally degenerate?

Alternatively, the magic formula may be showing or saying loudly "Hey, Man, I stuck it to Whitey!" If that's the secret would that be called racist voting, as they displayed overwhelmingly in 2008, or what?

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Mirror, mirror, give a nod,
To the most detested broad.

Perhaps it's an unfair competition, because the BADministration, at least those that pull B.O.'s strings, muzzled and rather dematerialized Michelle the Mouth, the Worst Lady, whereas Pelosi has no such team of coaches.

Therefore, I must vote for Nancy. It seems that even many of the Dummmycrats recognize what a burden she is to the image of decent government. The only group still overwhelmingly in favor of her are the San Fran queers, junkies, and other depraved that constitute her constituency.

Recently I saw a women's magazine article in which Pelosi attributed her executive abilities to her "Catholic training." Whatever could she have meant; "catholic" to mean "universal?" As far as Roman Catholicism is concerned she's about as much a Catholic as were Jack, Bobby, and Toad Kennedy.


So far as I can tell, a Neighborhood Organizer's chief work is getting able-bodied loafers on all sorts of welfare, and, relying upon his only professional work experience and his Harvard puppeteers, B.O. spent money not even yet printed on every foolhardy whim in sight. This was supposed to stimulate the economy, remember, but I haven't noticed any stimulation - just money frittered away and stolen.

Now, Curious George wants to "cut the deficit," and organized some crew of his adherents to make recommendations. Not surprisingly, it wants to cripple Medicare (not Medicaid - that might impact some welfare slobs), zap a new tax on good old gasoline, further weaken our national defense, and other stupidity.

I say take ALL that revenue out of ineffective, catastrophically wasteful welfare give-aways to the able-bodied.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


If one wants to strike a blow impervious to retaliation, he’s safest in choosing something or someone deceased. Horrywood is quite adept at slanders and low-blows of this kind, and it doesn’t a bit to be the only agency with the power to propagandize on a such a grand scale; what other force commands so much attention? What other group can launch a return barrage of comparable magnitude?

Lately I watched a portion of a movie entitled “Shutter Island.” And, for a time, I was convinced I’d rented a winner. Deep, sinister machinations and intriguing, inexplicable behavior were afoot, and I was interested to see what all might be in the stew.

Not many minutes into it, however, and without apparent relevance to the plot, Leonardo DiCaprio, trying to get to the bottom of whatever it was, was having flashbacks of – what would you guess? Well, it was Dacha, and there were literally piles of pitiable, frozen corpses heaped up to shock the entering U.S. military, Lenny one of them.

I correctly recognized this and succeeding, similar interruptions as Horrywood’s assuring that if a viewer had gone one or two weeks without a dose of bulletins pertaining to “the six million,” it would provide a booster shot.. “It’s an empire controlled by Jews,” I said to myself with a surfeit of evidence, “so accept that and watch the damned movie.”

Not many minutes later, however, one of the sinister forces in charge of the eldritch mental hospital turned out to be German! (Actually, Max von Sydow is a Swede, I believe, but that accent is close enough to fool an American audience.) “I’ll just bet he’s an ex-Nazi,” I said to myself, and I’m so confident I don’t regret missing most of the extravaganza.

What clinched the deal and caused the disk, unfinished, to go spinning out into the dark and weeds was the revelation that the insidious mental facility was funded by – no, not Nazis, at least not of the classical type, but the next most dreadful thing, the HOUSE UNAMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE!!!!

Yes, indeed, I kid you not. Somehow this mind-altering house of horrors had escaped the G.A.O.’s notice, and the witch-hunters, with and like “the six million”-causing Nazis, were perpetrating atrocities on – I can’t say for certain, for I jettisoned the garbage to avoid puking – but I would guess on bucolic, peace-loving Communists.

It was a splendid vindication for Lillian Hellman, Dashielle Hammett, Clifford Odettes, Zero Mostel, Sterling Hayden, and other peace-loving, Horrywood Communists that suffered a little discomfiture from the witch hunts but didn’t truly mean any harm – aside, in some cases, of plotting the violent overthrow of the U.S. government.

Say, if the violent overthrow of the U.S. government was justifiable in the 1950’s. just think how more appropriate it would be for today’s dictatorship!.

Anyway, that’s today’s entertainment report.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Certainly the elections could have been worse, but they could have been better, too. At least if B.O. and Biden snuff out, a Republican, semi-Republican ?, would become president. That's a bonus.

I wrote off California years and years ago; it's got Horrywood, queers all over the place, conspicuous quantities of illegal aliens, an exploding prison population, egregious pollution, junkies - you name it - so I wasn't surprised that a collection of sleazies like that would prefer a destructive loony for senator. It's similar to the Massachusetts effect with Toad Kennedy.

California has Boxer, Feinstein, retread Brown, another left-wing nut, Catholic Pelosi - what a lineup. I'm rooting for one or more of its various faults, geologic ones in this context, to blow it off into the Pacific somewhere, thus making it more difficult for that Petri dish of disease to infect the other states.

Nevada, though, is more difficult for me to understand. I didn't think that population was categorically pixilated, yet it preferred to elect for the umpteenth time a guy that is so stupid, it's laughable to watch him speak; a guy that sneaks around like a secret germ to pass laws behind the country's back and dismantle equitable, Constitutional government practice. Perhaps Nevada's geographic position explains its demise - Kalifornia Kontagion. The state also seems to be falling apart economically, but it decided that SIX more years of Mr. I.Q. was just the ticket. The stupidity of his state rivals Reid's, so perhaps it's just another case of deserving each other, but the tragic thing is that the majority of the population, undeserving of Reid, is still stuck with the rat.

55 % ??!!

I read that Exxon-Mobil's 3rd quarter profit increased 55 BLOODY percent!!

Whatever happened to anti-trust laws and to those prohibiting price-fixing, which the oil octopi violate daily on every street corner in the country?

It was also the case that, despite the mammoth costs of its disastros spill, BP racked up over a billion in profit for the same period. Why does our excuse for a government, our BADministration stand for that?

No inflation? Up my exhaust pipe!