Saturday, October 30, 2010


Remember Frank, the 15-term queer in the House of Reps.?

Remember how the banking industry collapsed while he and his House Banking Committee had their fingers up their noses and other orifices?

A left-wing web news page the other day said Barney was facing a tough re-election (Dear Lord, let it be so tough that he vanishes into that great lobbying industry) and called the jerk the "Wall Street Reform Architect." Absolutely amazing 1984 talk; "less is more," "bad is good," and what have you.

Folks, that's truth in news in the good old U.S.A., which it was before the likes of Frank commenced ruining it.


A modern analog to "See what a scourge is laid against your hate, that Heaven finds means to kill your joys with love,"


" ... what a scourge is laid against your ineffable stupidity, that the Muslims have greater freedom to murder your people because of your tortile notions of equality."

Now, a guy loses his job over the very reasonable pronouncement that someone resembling a Muslim on his plane makes him feel insecure!

The truly idiotic, I'll-do-anything-to-help-destroy-my-country liberals, of which there seems to be an amplitude, want us to believe another axiom of paraphrase

"All murderous terrorists are created equal."

Why, sure, bigots (do you know what the word means?), the pale, 85-year-old woman from South Dakota is just as likely to vaporize your plane as a 22-year-old man that looks as if his job is a salesman on a used camel lot. (He, in fact, despite never having seen a classroom is probably here on a "student" visa and works as a waiter or a cab driver.)

Why do the Lousy Liberals snatch at the foundation of our nation to help ruin us and then turn around and attack it for the same purpose? If you can find that inconsistency reasonable, then you're one of them.

Idiots of this ilk invariably cite Tim McVeigh, a mass-murdering American, but, wait! Idiots, he didn't immolate himself in the glorious sacrifice, did he? On the other hand, Muslims bent on felo-de-se are only as far as your restaurant table or taxi.

If you know a deeper dung heap than NPR, please pass around the name.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


What stupendous leader of the BADministration

1. appoints schlocks that don't believe in the U.S. Constitution to the Supreme Court; people that practically pledged themselves to interpreting it as if it had been written by Walter Lantz?


2. apparently with malice prepense consistently misquotes the Declaration of Independence, which initiated the CREATION of this country?

Stuck? Here are some hints.

1. His only known work experience is as a Neighborhood Organizer and as a voter of "present" on every bill in the Illinois senate except for baby-murder, to which he evinced a terrible fidelity.

2. He's a mulatto, the country of whose birth has never been satisfactorily resolved.

3.He and his wife, an affirmative action and then some admission to Princeton U, benefited highly from Chicago politics = the process of bankrupting that state.

4. His aunt is a known illegal alien, still sponging off this country.

5. Among his chums are an admitted, unrepentant domestic terrorist and a political crook that tried to peddle a senate seat.

At your earliest opportunity PLEASE get rid of the PUTZ!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Nothing, in this case, for I have in mind "Obamacare," a journalistic, nonce word for the medical abomination hoped to be crammed down the throats of the majority that DON'T WANT the damned mess by a duplicitous, bribe-ridden congress.

Seriously, now, in terms of health care would B.O. know the difference between blood pressure and measles? What experience has a Neighborhood Organizer, the only experience he ever admitted, know about anything except how to get welfare? In his public career - most of his life is a deep, dark, media-concealed mystery - the only topic about which he was and is fervent is baby-murder, so maybe that's the medical connection.

Otherwise, I'd recommend Harvardcare, for the puppeteers that devised the mess, or Britcare for an inferior system congress intentionally sought to copy.

Whatever one calls it, though, it stinks, and I hope a sane congress dismantles it in future.

Friday, October 15, 2010


B.O., the N.O., and Co. (i.e., his coaching staff in the press box - you know the guys and gals calling the plays and writing the teleprompter scripts) are practically foaming at the mouth over some lies they fabricated themselves. (Remember Dan Rather? I do, but I'd rather not.) They're whining that foreigners are making illegal campaign contributions to Republican campaign accounts and have forgotten entirely how China poured more than a handful of yuan into Bill Klintoon's election. This was clearly NOT a fabrication, though Dan Rathernot and his coterie may have neglected to mention it.

Next, some of the truly exegumen, sans culotte liberals are in a lather over some of B.O.'s fauxes pas - in their conception - and are longing for Corona Bill and wishing they'd voted for Hilarity Klintoon.

She, in common with the rest of the BADministration, has proven absolutely impotent, as in the recent murder by Mexican trash of an American tourist. Like the remainder of her ilk, she's telling us that the U.S. causes the Mex drug inferno and that our gun laws are somehow to blame for the chaos there. Did she pick this up from Billionaire Mayor Boombag?

Here's the one-step Y.C. reaction to that atrocity; scramble several attack planes immediately afterward and strafe, burn, and reduce to rubble the whole area where the execrable murderers were. Rx: repeat that dose regularly as required. Presto! End of problem.

P.S. Further, in total alignment with the rest of the BADministration, we discover only after this murder, and that of the Mexican law enforcement officer attempting to do his duty, that we handed over to the Mexicans millions of dinero for police support but were too bloody stupid or careless to require ANYTHING in the way of an accounting!

Monday, October 11, 2010


Lately I bought a book online from When it arrived, the book-size parcel, plastered with the name “Amazon,” was essentially encased in clear tape, and inside was a note from the Postal “Service” – tee hee – informing me that the package had been opened. The purpose was to scrutinize the contents and guarantee that Amazon or someone scurrilous had not sought to defraud the U.S. GOVERNMENT by shipping non-media mail in a media box!

What I wondered was how much it cost for some egregiously overpaid, probably Affirmative Action, probably two-digit IQ’d civil servant with inviolable job security to prove that there was actually a book in there? The postage difference was probably all of $0.25.

Don’t you suppose this moronic waste cost us more than a quarter Perhaps that clown’s was one of B.O.’s BADministration’s created jobs!

Ooo, voters! We done created ten jillion new jobs, just as promised with all this here other glorious CHANGE.

Won't it be great when the same clown transfers to the Bureau of Dummycrat Care and decides whether you get the cancer treatment or not or how much you owe on the last bill? I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


The word I have in mind is "education," and, considering the BADministration view, my short answer is "Most everything except actual teaching and learning."

Yes, B.O. the N.O. (see below) & Co. are maligning the Republicans - and reportedly some election-time running scared for good reason Dummycrats, as well - for blocking some of his funding schemes for "education."

I'm hoping it's just possible that these malicious dissidents have discovered that B.O.'s concept of education, for which his own credentials are a carefully-guarded secret - includes essentials like meals for kids whose mothers are able-bodied welfare pigs that collect welfare while lying on sofas during daytime television; school daycare centers for girls, perhaps with the same type mothers, that have got themselves knocked up and have welfare children to drop there; teaching small children the ins and outs of fornicating, so that they can join the previous group; or wasting it on the overburden of school administration that contributes nothing and functions as a sink for our money.

Stop wasting our money on social crap! Let's see that $ goes to teach children things towards re-establishing a world-class nation here.


"N.O." denoted neighborhood organizer, the only actual occupation anyone has learned about B.O.'s past.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


"A faithful God, without deceit,
how just and upright he is!
Yet basely has he been treated by his degenerate children,
a perverse and crooked race!
Is the Lord to be thus repaid by you,
O stupid and foolish people?
Is he not your father who created you?
Has he not made you and established you?"

I guess we deserve whatever we get.


From his second letter to the Thessalonians ...

"In fact, when we were with you, we instructed you that if anyone is unwilling to work, neither should that one eat."

Here is a simple, **saintly** rule that, if adopted in this country, would see a tremendously greater amount of work accomplished and very little in the way of welfare $ expended.


"I should like particularly to underline how the administration of water and food, even when provided by artificial means, always represents a natural means of preserving life, not a medical act. Its use, furthermore, should be considered, in principle, ordinary and proportionate, and as such morally obligatory, insofar as and until it is seen to have attained its proper finality, which in the present case consists in providing nourishment to the patient and alleviation of his suffering."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


An Internet home page described him as a “legendary actor,” but my surmise is that the author responsible for that never witnessed his performing. Legendary, he was not.

The last photo of Tony Curtis I saw was in a foreign equivalent of People Magazine, and it portrayed his as a gross, ugly, leering old man with a twenty-year-old whore on each side.

He had five wives and other affinities for booze and illegal drugs.

Earlier, he was a handsome dude, all right, but I suspect that if he hadn’t been a Jew, we’d never heard of him. The same may be said for goodly numbers of other actors, film-makers, authors, artists, publishers, editors, journalists, and assorted celebrities.

The web biography reported that “Some Like it Hot” had been rated as one of the funniest films since the dawn of creation, but the fact that the two stars were Jews likely influenced that choice. Another contributing factor is that their characters spent most of their time in women’s clothes – a highly effective stratagem for gaining popularity, in certain quarters.

It seems Tony was also an artist and – you guessed it – a novelist. These achievements should be interpreted in the same way that Steve Martin is a playwright, slut Madonna a children’s book author, and Bill Cosby, an expert on fatherhood. Tee hee.

The commendable item in the obituary was Tony’s honorable service, in fact wounding, in World War II. Above all, that deserves recognition and respect.

Legendary, however, he was not. Speaking about his acting, David Susskind characterized him as “a passionate amoeba.”

I pray for the repose of his soul.


An Internet home page described him as a “legendary actor,” but my surmise is that the author responsible for that never witnessed his performing. Legendary, he was not.

The last photo of Tony Curtis I saw was in a foreign equivalent of People Magazine, and it portrayed his as a gross, ugly, leering old man with a twenty-year-old whore on each side.

He had five wives and other affinities for booze and illegal drugs.

Earlier, he was a handsome dude, all right, but I suspect that if he hadn’t been a Jew, we’d never heard of him. The same may be said for goodly numbers of other actors, film-makers, authors, artists, publishers, editors, journalists, and assorted celebrities.

The web biography reported that “Some Like it Hot” had been rated as one of the funniest films since the dawn of creation, but the fact that the two stars were Jews likely influenced that choice. Another contributing factor is that their characters spent most of their time in women’s clothes – in modern times a highly effective stratagem for gaining popularity, in certain quarters.

It seems Tony was also an artist and – you guessed it – a novelist. These achievements should be interpreted in the same way that Steve Martin is a playwright, slut Madonna a children’s book author, and Bill Cosby, an expert on fatherhood. Tee hee.

The commendable item in the obituary was Tony’s honorable service, in fact wounding, in World War II. Above all, that deserves recognition and respect.

Legendary, however, he was not. Speaking about his acting, David Susskind characterized him as “a passionate amoeba.”

I pray for the repose of his soul.