Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Just when I felt a modicum of security in having ONE branch of the federal government's consistently acting in a sane fashion, Justice Kennedy decides that freedom of expression is not, after all, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

In school, I was taught that it did, but that, thankfully, was before the days of Ginsburg, Soto- whatever, and that crew.

When one tunes in to Washington, D.C. it's at least one bloody disaster per day.

Monday, June 28, 2010


I'm talking Supreme Court again here, where 5-4 is the usual margin between "I believe the makers of the Constitution were sane people," and the "I don't believe in the Constitution; only my intuitive left-wing brain-washing and ruin-the-country agenda."
Yet, lately the group were unanimous in reinstating an older DISCRIMINATION - oooh! Isn't everything here discriminatory? - ruling favoring African types in Chicago firemen jobs.
Back in 1995 26,000 applicants took a written exam to become City firemen. There were just several hundred openings, so the City decided to consider only those with scores 89 or higher. The cut-off mark eliminated a horde of partial blacks (those < or =" 100%">
Untouched in the news article and of significant importance, logic dictates, is whether the City set the mark so as to eliminate a horde of p.b.'s, to reduce their selection task among the many applicants, or to guarantee a minimum level of competence, insofar as the test was able to discriminate (Morons in English are encouraged to consult a good dictionary on the meaning of "discriminate" before going bonkers, OK?)
Certainly, if they sought to exclude p.b.'s - hard to believe in 1995 Chicago - it was discriminatory, but if they moved to guarantee a certain level of competence, HURRAY! DO IT AGAIN!
An interesting dimension of the original case was testimony by so-called expert witnesses. An informative reference to the subject of expert testimony is the transcript of the famous Scopes trial, where the defense sought to call a battalion of expert witnesses to lecture the jury on the theory of evolution. The prosecution argued, and the judge concurred, that the question was simply whether the defendant violated the law, and that the jury didn't need experts to tell them how the law read or how to evaluate the evidence.
In the Chicago case one should have asked, "What does expert testimony have to do with whether or not the City violated a law?" Answer: "Nothing."
Anyway, the would-be firemen's attorneys' expert witnesses were allowed to testify that "applicants scoring in the 70's or 80's were shown to be capable of succeeding as firefighters." (Here, readers should recall the typical elementary school classification of letter grades. When I was there 93 and above = A, and 70 was the MINIMUM passing grade.)
At any rate, this brings us to the most important question of all; What's wrong with selecting the BEST of the applicants? That is, to the extent that the test discriminates firefighting ability, why not pick the BEST of the litter? If there are m jobs, just pick the m best scorers and have done with it. Why not get the BEST?
Does a person have to be a prophet to see that's the BEST way to award the positions? Does a person have to be prophet to observe that every day distorted concepts of discrimination are accelerating the declension of this country? If Chicago wanted the best new hires, why should it have to settle for mediocre applicants "capable of succeeding?" Many "capable of''s" NEVER make it.
If it comes to someone's having to save your family or your home, would you rather have someone that MIGHT have succeeded or someone that gave the BEST indication of success. Further, look around at what's happening to the U.S. among the company of nations.


Or are they just congenitally opposed to the Constitution?

If you can read English - no longer a given in this country - and decide that the Bill of Rights does NOT guarantee the right to bear arms, then get in touch with B.O., and in the salutary event that Pig Kagan fails to be approved, YOU can try for that court.
Happily the five sane members have found what any literate grade schooler can tell; viz., that we do, indeed, have that right.
Keep people off the Supreme Court if they, like B.O. & Co., don't believe in that precious document.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


If someone had quizzed me regarding what state had approved distributing condoms to all school children that wanted them, Massachusetts, the guilty party, would have been among my top three choices.
The Massholes, as admirers denote them, are generally in the forefront of what is depraved, immoral, and disgusting. Who elects its state legislature? One wonders where advertised population of Irish Catholics is hiding there. Are they the same people that elected Ted "The Catholic" Kennedy in perpetuity, John "The Catholic" Kennedy, others of the never-ending clan, and also made queer unions legal?
Chalk up another defeat for morality, another victory for lunatic liberals. A state that led in our becoming a free and independent nation has somehow accomplished a one-eighty to spearhead our advancement into degeneration and ruination.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Today's award for spine goes to General McChrystal for asserting what everyone knows; viz., that a clown with less military experience and knowledge than a boy scout is not to be trusted with decisions about fighting a war. I'm not convinced a punk rock publication was the ideal venue, but so it goes.
Can't tell you his name, but I read of another spine champion, a man that sacrificed a lucrative soap opera contract by refusing to play smut scenes. Hurrah for you, too, Mister!
In earlier times, Elizabethan England, for one example, many people lost their lives merely for refusing to repudiate their religion. It's encouraging to see individuals willing to suffer a loss in order to do what is RIGHT. More of us should take that plunge; it won't go unrewarded.


It was surprising to me to learn that British Petroleum, getting such a bad boy rap from the BADministration contributed MILLIONS of bucks to help elect Curious George, presently monkeying around in the White House and world.
Perhaps it was because the Brits always have romantic inclinations towards Communism and Socialism, but some writers explain the BADministration's slow response to the Gulf's undersea gusher to that indebtedness. For me, this is a valid reason to deplore B.P.; accidents happen, but helping to install this disaster of a government is inexcusable. That goes for individual voters, too.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


And the winners are ... all the politician scum that will rip off the funds extorted from B.P. That will be a replay of the Katrina funds disaster in disastrous Louisiana with the exception that those were monies stolen directly from the taxpayers.
And the losers are .... B.P. stockholders, including many, many ordinary people attempting to live off interest and dividends. No one taxes a company, blockheads; companies simply pass the tax along to consumers. B.P. will stop paying dividends until it compensates for the extortion fund.
What intrigues me most is whether the Commander-in-Cheat needed teleprompters for the meeting or did the ballet dancer act as B.O.'s Aaron.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010



I chose the adjective in the subject line over "continual" for a purpose, so be certain to distinguish the meanings.
Lately in a newspaper I read that educators - by that was meant administrators in the sphere of education and not that they educated anyone - both in that Republic and the Supreme Soviet in D.C. were ardent about year-round public schooling - no long, summer vacations.
The reason given was not for schools to function as day care centers for the convenience of households where all the parents must work - to provide welfare tax subsidies for all the households where NO ONE works. No, it was that students forget everything, especially mathematics, over a long, summer vacation.
That's a crock! School for me never started prior to Labor Day and was always finished prior to Memorial Day, yet my classmates and I at our little school managed to retain enough technical knowledge from year to year for us to produce two Ph.D.'s in Engineering, a dentist, and the founder of a Civil Engineering firm, to name three examples.
I believe, rather, that the difficulty is that many students pay no attention to what is taught nor to the work they are supposed to do or are simply too stupid to remember anything, but since they have to be passed in order not not to destroy the self-esteem they have never earned, they show up next year with empty heads.
As usual, the response of "education" is to reduce students to the lowest common denominator and penalize everyone for the ineptitude or irresponsibility of some of them. I believe that there are students so incapable that they wouldn't recall anything if they stayed in classrooms day and night and received "education" around the clock, even when asleep, which might be during the day, too. Why penalize good students for the failings of the dregs? Let's go back to culling the duds and putting our resources where they will provide some payoff to the nation; i.e., to children with the intelligence and motivation to work.
My personal view about the singling out of mathematics for this selective forgetfulness owes to two facts: first, that it is a precise discipline, where slop work counts for nothing and wrong answers can't be subjectively credited by "let's feel well" faculty; and, secondly, that too many of the math instructors are duds themselves that graduated with degrees in "education" and know nothing of subject matter. These are the "I forgot everything over the summer" crowd from earlier generations. Let's dump them, too.


In her novel, Mrs. Blair, Maud Keck's titular character is the subject of considerable gossip and considers what should be done about it.
"Knowing the virtue of inaction, she did nothing."
A criticism of Dwight Eisenhower as President was that he didn't do a great deal, whereas a microsecond of thought today proves the rampant damage and harm possible when government does a great deal.

Monday, June 14, 2010


At an airport recently I saw a copy of a Denver Post newspaper, containing an item about the indebtedness of graduating physicians.
Inexplicably and irrelevantly, smack in a paragraph about high tuition at the state's medical schools was a statement that "diversity numbers" had declined. This interesting new unit was defined to be the number of minority students - that, disappointingly, was UNdefined - among the MD's-to-be.
The fact that this leading indicator was exactly 1 (one) less than in 2009 had been the shocking cause for including the statistic.
Though there won't be any article about it, I imagine that inexorable, educational forces are working tirelessly to keep that diversity number above a secret minimum.
Then I remembered jokes about astronauts having to be blasted aloft in craft built by lowest-bidding contractors. How would you like to be the lucky patient whose brain tumor excision or multiple bypass is undertaken by an affirmative action surgeon; one not as capable as the others? Would that please you?
Incidentally, quotas like that are part and parcel of the health care Obamanation foisted off on us by the lousy Dummycrats.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I've told you several times that anyone having a nodding acquaintance with science and climatology knows that THE MOST IMPORTANT GREENHOUSE GAS IS WATER VAPOR, the significance of which to global temperatures is UNKNOWN.
Given that the BADministration, with the robust consent of the Dummycrat senate, has now declared war on CO2 (This is reminiscent of LBJ's wars on practically everything, all of which were lost) it's only a matter of time until the EPA decides that clouds = water vapor are illegal.
Pass the Coppertone!
Not until November, 2008 did I fully appreciate George Washington's valedictory admonition about the dangers of political parties. I wonder if the hazards of moron voters occurred to him back then.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


A Russian chum has told me repeatedly that they never had Communism, and, of course, we know that Marx' scheme was never implemented as formulated. My friend describes the Soviet system as a "dictatorial bureacracy," and B.O.'s BADministration strikes me as just that.
Every day it seems there is a new attempt by some sub-organization of this execrable government's plotting to thwart what is best for the country and impose upon us what the majority - remember majority rule? - DO NOT WANT.
Now the EPA wants to ram though the definition of carbon dioxide as a polutant, which would empower that agency to make whatever rules it pleases about a vital gas in the chemistry of the earth. Before rootbeer and colas are classified as pollutants, tell your senators to vote for the BILL on this coming up before them and short-circuit B.O.'s latest, Soviet maneuver.


Marooned recently in a medical office, I decided that even one of the "news" magazines would be superior to the ubiquitous television set. In it I discovered that the numbers of reported sexual assaults in the military have been

for 2007, 2688
2008, 2908
2009, 3230

where the increase from 2008 to 2009 was 11%, and 16% in combat areas.
In the true spirit of the novel 1984 - that is, more is less, less is more - Pentagon officials find these data "encouraging," of all things! They feel that more victims may be coming forward and are pleased by that.
The typical case: an enlisted man between 18 and 25, and a female victim either military or civilian.
The estimate is that only 20% of military, sexual assault victims report, and I hope the Pentagon does not find that encouraging insofar as it reflects the true extent of these rotten crimes. I would also guess that a goodly percentage of non-reportage is from cases of assault by a higher-ranking enlisted man. Some years back there was a considerable scandal about non-coms extorting sex from lower-ranking women and threatening them greater bodily harm if they reported. What a slick outfit!
As a matter of fact I find all this highly DIScouraging, and any woman that would volunteer for such duty strikes me as foolhardy. Parents should make female children aware of the risk, and other parents should learn enough parenting to avoid raising rapists as sons.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I'm wondering how a country or a group of people in the one-time Land of the First Amendment becomes exalted to the extent that any critical remark about it/them is practically grounds for lynching! (Oooh! Pardon that word, on which partial blacks - or at least those too stupid to know the meanings of words, such as "niggardly" - go absolutely ballistic.)
My short answer to myself is "Have that group or other country effectively control the O-TLOTFA, which is exactly what Jews have done to this country, especially in the Entertainment Media, of which "news" is a principal segment.
89-year-old Helen Thomas had the audacity and temerity to suggest that Israel remove itself from Palestine, ceded to it by the U.N. though previously held by it A.D. only in years of 3-digit length.
B.O.'s press secretary was livid, the White House News Correspondents' Association was aghast, a Maryland school principal ( a species known for cowardice these days) replaced her as commencement speaker, and the national director of the Anti-Defamation League (when, precisely, did criticism come to equal defamation?), said her comment was "bigoted," which brands him as another English language moron, unfamiliar with the meaning of the word.
Ms. Thomas' only error was apologizing for what the Constitution of the U.S. GUARANTEES her. I wish she would have told NDADL, Foxman, to stuff it royally.
Long live the DOG, to hell with the TAIL wagging, bleeding, corrupting, and enervating it!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


St. Paul wrote this.

"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths."
Can you apply this to any time of your familiarity?

Saturday, June 5, 2010


It's about something much more important than Blockbuster, but I thought that made a catchy subject.
With my comments in square brackets, a friend wrote me,
"Recently I rented from Blockbuster Online a movie called "The Invention of Lying," which turned out to be a typical Horrywood [He's picked up my terminology] derogation of religion. [Christian and, in this case, Jewish, that is; Muslims murder critics, which practice insulates them from a good deal of it].
"I was so offended that when the Blockbuster system invited me to write one, I entered the following review.
"Amusing for a few minutes, the film turned rapidly and disgustingly into one more Hollywood, meaning the 'entertainment' industry, lampoon of God and religion. Interestingly, the Blockbuster synopsis of it mentioned nothing of the sort.
"Naturally, I was amazed when the system advised me to remove the 'objectionable words' from my statement and rejected the entry! So what's objectionable; 'God?' Have the lousy atheists so cowed public corporations that they shrink from the word 'God?'
"I then wrote Blockbuster customer care in Dallas, asked about this matter, and mentioned a couple of other problems with their service. I received answers to the latter, but my query about the propriety of words was ignored entirely.
"The Land of the Cowed; the Home of Cowards. That's where we live."
This requires no elaboration from your trusty blogger. My friend is pursuing the incident, and people that care about their country and righteousness should stand up when they experience similar treatment.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Greetings, friends; I'm back in the saddle with lots of items that will injterest you. First,is a little warm-up topic that certainly elevated my temp and bp.
A friend told me that her niece, living on the East coast (it would have to be one of our coasts, as you'll see), has learned that it is suddenly not genteel and caring to use the word "retarded" to refer to a person's mental condition.
As usual, my initial recourse was to the Oxford English Dictionary, where, for "retarded," I found simply "checked : impeded; delayed." What could be less impolite and harsh than that?
Naturally, I resolved immediately to make a point of using the word wherever possible, and I believe "retarded" is a wonderful way to describe anyone so mentally impeded as to toy with a marvelous, expressive language.
Don't these yahoo's have work to do?