Saturday, August 29, 2009


Greetings, friends,

The other day I was in a state that voted for Bush but in an area where B.O. flags and bumper stickers were much in evidence in the good ole days before 4 November 2008, the latest DAY OF INFAMY.

In the newspaper of that state's capital I read the nearly uncountable string of zeroes describing our country's deficit and the exciting news that, in a few years, the NATIONAL DEBT WILL CONSUME THE GNP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The article continued, "Before President Obama can do anything about this ..." WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? This is the trillionnaire debtor that, with the concurrence of the Dummycrat legislature, has plunged us into an inescapable, fiscal abyss. This dangerous clown must be defied. If he hasn't already achieved that objective, he will RUIN US FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I'd been separated several days from most "news" sources, and I use the quotes to signify that most U.S. agencies embracing that appellation are too biased to be heeded. Driving back into town I noticed a flag at half staff and remarked upon this to my wife.
"It's for Kennedy," she said and added that B.O. would deliver the funereal panegyric.
I've remarked more than once here that when a despicable person or group admires something or someone, the target of the approval is implicitly despicable. Thus, if one didn't know that Edward M. Kennedy had been a common cheat, a drunk, a hypocrite, a philanderer, a rabid advocate of the murder of the unborn, and - if not a murderer - at least an obstructer of justice, then B.O.'s praise for him would suffice.
Yahoo operates such a "news" service, and yesterday it called him "a quiet Catholic." His Catholicism was anything but quiet - it was a roaringly false and malignant denial of Catholic virtues. A Catholic that not only favors abortions but works tirelessly to promote that brand of murder; a literally bloody contradiction in terms. How he had a Mass said for his burial is considerably beyond me - another instance of a total absence of standards.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Sorry to have to describe our country in such terms, but there's new proof.
I just read that in his initial exhibition game appearance, dog-fighting Vick was accorded a standing ovation. Of course, that has become a cheap tribute among audiences of all sorts, and I don't council hatred for a person that has erred and paid a penalty for it, but, once again, our pathetic lack of standards and vanishing values are conspicuous.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Personally, I believe that individuals convicted of vicious, heinous crimes should serve the last seconds of their sentences, which were likely too lenient in the first place.Still, how can one condemn Christ's and the Christian God's plea for mercy and clemency? Thus, the freeing by Scotland of its mass murdering Muslim invokes conflicting sentiments.

What did you think, though, of the hero's welcome Libyans accorded one of their terrorist, murderous, bastard excuses for citizens? It looks to me as if the killer is a member of a majority there. Lately there have been news notices of moves towards normalization of relationships between Qadafy's Qingdom and the U.S., as, for example, as to that country's assets held here. What nonsense; they should continue to be regarded as the scrofulous outlaws they are.

I noticed, also, that Scotland's government used laughable words like "wrong" for the orgiastic celebration that greeted the criminal. Politicians should cease the use of treacle adjectives and expressions and speak truth. This was a bestial expression of a murderous wish that should be bombed out of existence.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


In this once-great country, when an unwed, unsupported woman bears a child she is assured of around 18 years flat on her back, even when not infixed by one or another penis, watching Oprah Winfrey or a Spanish equivalent, eating high-fat foods, and, in order to guarantee huge welfare burdens for the future, breeding new editions of herself. You might be interested to learn that welfare mamma's encourage their mature daughters to become pregnant and thus safeguard the family income for another generation. By "encourage" I include the loan of the mother's bedroom for the purpose.

While, as you can observe, I get a profusion of good ideas, once in a while I'm seized with an inspiration so profound, beneficial, and salutary as to defy containment. I could eradicate the subject problem in a single generation. Observe.

When the woman in question rolls into the hospital for the coming-out party, she either proves her ability to support this child or is sterilized during the delivery process. In the unlikely event the father can be run to ground, he, too, is sterilized.

As I've pointed out before, we have terms of embroidery here for a number of sham "rights," one of those being "reproductive rights." Ha ha! Your dog or cat is unable to control its amatory urges, right, so what do you do to spare yourself the expense and bother of unwanted litters? Of course, you spay or neuter it. Your dog or cat has and deserves few rights.

It seems to me that if people act like animals, they should be treated as animals. If someone wants to live at the expense of more capable others, then those others should have everything to say about how that beggar lives. Period.


I just read a description of the film, The Cassandra Crossing (1977), and it concluded "Co-stars Martin Sheen and O.J. Simpson has Father Haley."

Post-1977 there have been, unfortunately, a number of rotten priests, but casting a future wife-abuser/double murderer/armed robber as one would seem to be a casting catastrophe realizable only in the Capital of Catastrophes, Horrywood.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I couldn't decide upon a heading.
Years and years ago, when broadcast television was not entirely garbage, and - can you believe it? - original plays were produced, I saw Canadian Bill Shatner do a good job playing a surgeon. Later, I enjoyed his performance as the prosecuting attorney in "The Andersonville Trial."
I suppose it's somewhat stifling to have one's career then condense to a single role, but he must have made several fortunes with Star Trek television and movies.
Today, though, not even the face lifts and corsets have kept Big Bill Star Trek capable, and his latest triumph was to parody Sarah Palin on the Tonight Show, which shows on one of the several elements of the DNC network.
As I have related several times in previous posts, Horrywood, the world epicenter for degradation, immorality, and trash, affords an easy test of good and evil; if Horrywood touts or espouses something - such as B.O. - we know it sucks. On the other hand, when Horrywood - maybe Whoreywood would have been a better choice - attacks a person or quality, rest assured that article is to be embraced.
The way our home-grown Communists, degenerates, and other scum snipe at Ms. Palin, one can also perceive the extent of fear of her they harbor. This is another proof that she is a valuable person and good for a nation being driven to decline.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Do you know who are teaching your children?

If you have children, grandchildren, or more distant descendants in school, you must know what is the NEA. No? It's the National Education Association, the largest labor union for teachers in the U.S. No one doubts that teachers, sometimes wrongly depreciated, though (hopefully) discharging a responsibility some cultures rank second to parenthood, deserve a strong advocate. On the other hand it's the NEA that keeps seniority a more important attribute than subject matter expertise and pedagogical ability in the treatment and rewards a teacher receives and keeps buried any such wild idea as evaluations of teachers' competency. (An 18-year-old college freshman has this opportunity, though an 18-year-old high school senior does not. Notice that student opinions of teaching are inveterately entrenched in a university faculty member's existence.)
In case you didn't notice, the NEA recently came out four-square in favor of the homosexuals' agenda and very publicly brands as a right-wing extremist anyone that disagrees and subscribes to traditional, family values.
Even prior to this union-wide declaration you may have noticed news reports of queer teachers' inviting their elementary school pupils to the ceremonies of union - stupidly and erroneously called "marriage" by the uneducated themselves - with other queers. You may have observed, too, small children's being encouraged by school personnel to witness the queer pride spectacles. Ever notice what goes on in some of those? If not, WAKE UP DUMMIES! (You should also discover how companies like Home Depot and Pepsi pour big quantities of sponsorship dollars into these extravaganzas and, in some cases, make special efforts to attract children to them.)
It's also the case that as early as 1925 the NEA has been valiantly defending school children from religion. This is very clear from the transcript of the Scopes trial, which occurred that year.
If you let the NEA, along with a liberal dose of televised garbage, bring up your children - well, another generation did that, and look what's running, ruining, the country. Anyone with a child in school should monitor carefully and, where necessary, correct and protest, what he is told there.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Elect convicted felons and name municipal buildings after them; cheer performing rapists; honor deceased, overdosed junkies on our postage stamps; create a national holiday for a womanizing plagiarist; and offer up celestial mourning for a low-down, sleazy pedophile that apparently died the death of a junkie.

Lately I happened to be in a physician's office, where, as often happens, a television set was blaring. That day the entertainment was Michael Jackson's, Jackoff's, funeral, which resembled an interpolation somewhere between a concert in New Orleans and O.J. Simpson's flight from his pair of murders. What was most repellent, however, was the heroic effort of the whole team of commentators to sanctify a man as described above. Why such attention in mid-afternoon? I could only conclude that his popularity lay chiefly among those lacking jobs.

Once again our entertainment media exhibit the U.S. as a zone of no standards, whatsoever, and one can only conjecture how long it will be until that jerk is also on a stamp. In his case, it might not be a success, for many people would be spitting on the wrong sides.

One can judge a country by the stature of those it chooses to elevate. Brethren and Sistern, we done been judged! More and more often we is the bottom of the cistern.


Saturday, August 8, 2009


We notice that Pravda, our mainline, "American" news sources, credit Big Bill Clintoon with rescuing the two women canned in beautiful North Korea. Was this his the first diplomatic mission not accompanied by squandering our money or did their benevolent leader exact some give-aways in recompense? Watch Pravda for late-breaking news.

They say, all he had to do was make a servile, nates-kissing, apology to the lousy, destructive Commies over there. Luckily for that pair, we have a servile, nates-kissing, lousy, destructive, Commie government guiding our downward plunge as a nation. We're like customers at an extreme water park; flushed straight down.



Senior friends,

If, thinking you'd found an advocate, you've been wasting your peso's on AARP, wake up and do what I wish B.O.'s old man had done; viz., pull out. You may as well invest in cyanide tablets.

It was clear in the campaign that AARP approved of B.O., and, now, it's four-square behind this atrocity known as "health care reform."


Saturday, August 1, 2009


Have you ever noticed how much of government that Conservatives deplore has been installed by people calling themselves Conservatives? I speak in particular of the Supreme Court.

There was "Easy Earl" Warren, an inexperienced nothing selected by Eisenhower to run it. He, in concert with his lunacy equal, Douglas, transformed that group into a convex combination of Perrault, the Grimms, and H.C. Andersen.

More recently Bush Sr. appointed Suter, a reliable, sure-fire left-winger on every case, and now B.O. has elevated Sotomayor, who has advertised her unsuitability for the job and was put into position by a Bush, too. She, like the Worst Lady, was an Affirmative Action draft into high-class Ivy League schools (though, unlike the Worst Lady, she may actually have PASSED the entrance exams), and is now ready to punish us for the denials she never suffered. Happily, all Republicans but one RINO had the perception to oppose this incompetent.

AWAKEN, REPUBLICAN POLICY-MAKERS. This is a country crammed with Conservatives - remember those? - fed up with Democrats like the Bushes and McCain! We want SANE candidates to rescue us from the degrading, destructive whirlpool of trash into which the Neighborhood Organizer is leading us.